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[Archiwum]potrzeba w secie-karty białe
MasterBLB - Wt sie 01, 2006 8:46 pm " />W tym wątku dawajcie popłynąć wyobraźni,i co spłodzą wasze umysły nie wachajcie się przedstawić. Przypomnę tylko ogólne założenia seta: -nie ma multikolorów -set opiera się generalnie na usuwaniu kart poza grę -set ma mieć wysoki power level Enjoy i owocnej twórczości! Radziu - Śr sie 02, 2006 7:44 pm " />Lord Ravenhawk 1WW Legendary Creature - Human Knight Lord Vigillance Other soldiers and knights you controll have vigilance. If you controll Emperor Urbe, soldiers and knights you controll get +0/+2. "Never be sure how wise your opponent plan is" 1/3 Lord Sharpblade 1WW Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Lord First Strike Other soldiers and knights you controll have first strike. If you controll Emperor Urbe, soldiers and knights you controll get +2/+0. "Outer fury not always mean inner rage" 2/2 Saise - Cz sie 03, 2006 11:18 am " />Fist of the Empire - 3WW Sorcery (R) If you control more creatures then your opponent, ~ deals damage to target player equal to the total power of all creatures you control. Rapidfeet Herald - 1W Creature - Soldier (C) Spells that could target your creatures, must target Rapidfeet Herald. [0/2] Overbearing Clerk - W Creature - Cleric (C) Whenever a Wyrdling comes into play, remove ~ from the game. (1/2) Pinpoint Arrow - W Isntant (U) You may destroy target creature with converted mana cost 3 or less that was dealt damage this turn. In Seeking of Divine Rights - 2WW Sorcery (R) Name a nonland card then shuffle your library. Reveal the top card of your library. If it is the named card choose one - destroy all creatures your opponents controls; or gain 30 life; or search your library for a card, and play that card without paying it's mana cost. Shuffle your library afterwards. Selesnya_ - Cz sie 03, 2006 12:04 pm " /><nazwa> 1W Creature - Human Cleric (U) When your remove a card from your library from the game, you may prevent the next X damage to target creature or player this turn, when X is the number a cards removed from the game from your library this way. 1/1 (Selesnya_) Wording napewno kuleje... <nazwa> 3WW Creature - Human Knight (R) Remove a top three cards from your library from the game: You gain 1 life. 3/4 (Selesnya_) <nazwa> 1W Instant (R) You gain X life, when X is the number of cards removed from your library from the game this turn. (Selesnya_) <nazwa> 2WW Creature - Angel Flying, Viligance (U) When ~this~ comes into play target player remove a top four cards from he or she library from the game. 3/3 (Selesnya_) Mogą być w tych kartach błędy w wordingach, ale można je zawsze poprawić Pozdrawiam. Btw. MasterBLB jakie kontry weszły do seta? EDIT:Obacz sam,są w graficznym.1 z nich to twój pomysł po sporej mutacji bzyk - Cz sie 03, 2006 1:34 pm " /> ">Fist of the Empire - 3WW Sorcery (R) If you control more creatures then your opponent, ~ deals damage to target player equal to the total power of all creatures you control. podoba mi sie ale to jest czysto czerwone ">Rapidfeet Herald - 1W Creature - Soldier (C) Spells that could target your creatures, must target Rapidfeet Herald. [0/2] po pierwsze to juz byly kiedys Flagberer'y... a pozatym may juz dosc weenies ">In Seeking of Divine Rights - 2WW Sorcery (R) Name a nonland card then shuffle your library. Reveal the top card of your library. If it is the named card choose one - destroy all creatures your opponents controls; or gain 30 life; or search your library for a card, and play that card without paying it's mana cost. Shuffle your library afterwards. podoba mi sie ...tylko ostatni efekt za cholere nei jest bialy "><nazwa> 2WW Creature - Angel Flying, Viligance (U) When ~this~ comes into play target player remove a top four cards from he or she library from the game. 3/3 (Selesnya_) 4 many 3/3 fly , vigilance i jeszcze bonus ?! FalenAngel - Pt sie 04, 2006 7:52 am " /><br>Urbe's Verdict - 4WW Sorcery (R) Reval your hand. Remove a creature from the game for each white card in your hand. "We need stern judging if we want to live our austere life." - Emperor Urbe MasterBLB - Cz sie 10, 2006 11:14 am " />hmmm panowie,a czemu by nie dać przedruku swords to plowshares? bzyk - Cz sie 10, 2006 11:28 am " />dlatego ze jest wlasnie wydany condemn ? MasterBLB - Cz sie 10, 2006 1:25 pm " />mało przekonywujące,w stosunku do doskonałego wpisywania się stp w nasz set. bzyk - Cz sie 10, 2006 1:29 pm " />to moze przedrukuj master , wszystkei karty ktore pojawily sie w MtG uzywajace RFG ... bo przecierz doskonale sie wpisuja w nasz set... spike - Cz sie 10, 2006 1:51 pm " /><name> XWW Instant Tap target X creatures. You gain X life. You may remove <name> from the game instead put it into graveyard. If you do cratures don`t untap during its controlers untap step <name> WW Creature - Soldier Defender Whenever <name> blocks, you may remove card from top of your library. If you do, <name> loses defender until next end of turn. 4/4 <name> 1W Crearure - Soldier Defender Remove two cards from top of your library: <name> loses defender until end of turn. 3/3 <name> W Enchantment At the begining of your upkeep you may remove card from top of your library from the game. If you do, you gain 1 life. Warmonger - Cz sie 10, 2006 2:15 pm " /> ">mało przekonywujące,w stosunku do doskonałego wpisywania się stp w nasz set. Ciężko się z Tobą dogadać. Obawiam się, iż musisz odbyć naprawdę długą serię rozmów z wyspecjalizowaną w takich przypadkach gumową kaczuszką. "><name> WW Creature - Soldier Defender Whenever <name> blocks, you may remove card from top of your library. If you do, <name> loses defender until next end of turn. 4/4 Mamy już jednego pacyfistę. Pozostałe jakoś mnie nie zachwycają. Idę spać. Radziu - So sie 12, 2006 10:00 am " />Urbe's Regulars 1WW Creature - Human Soldier U First Strike Whenever a player removes a card from the game, Urbe's Regulars get +0/+1 until end of turn. 2/3 Battlefield Recruiter 1W Creature - Human Knight Lord R Whenever a Soldier or Knight you controll deals damage to an opponent, you may put a 1/1 white Soldier creature token into play. 1/2 Purification Aura WW Enchantment R Whenever a player removes a card from the game, gain 1 life. Whenever a player plays a Wyrdling spell, gain 1 life. Whenever Purification Aura is put into a graveyard from play, put a 2/2 white Spirit creature iwith Flying and Vigilance into play. gargulec - So sie 12, 2006 10:56 am " />Eternal Chapion 4WW Creture - Knight Spirit Uncommon Eternal Chapion is ublockable W: Eternal Chapion get +1/-1 Whenever Eternal Chapion attacks, you must remove from the game card from your graveyard 0/7 Burn the past, forget about your losses Cleansing Fire W Instant Uncommon Remove from the game target creature you control A X to your manna pool where X it's this creatur converted mana cost Soul never die bzyk - So sie 12, 2006 12:19 pm " /> ">Battlefield Recruiter 1W Creature - Human Knight Lord R Whenever a nontoken Soldier or Knight you controll deals damage to an opponent, you may put a 1/1 white Soldier creature token into play. 1/2 i m isie calkiem podoba ">Eternal Chapion 4WW Creture - Knight Spirit Uncommon Eternal Chapion is ublockable W: Eternal Chapion get +1/-1 Whenever Eternal Chapion attacks, you must remove from the game card from your graveyard 0/7 Burn the past, forget about your losses to jest neibieskie , to jest czerwone a to smierdzi czarnym Warmonger - So sie 12, 2006 12:23 pm " /> ">Battlefield Recruiter 1W Creature - Human Knight Lord R Whenever a nontoken Soldier or Knight you controll deals damage to an opponent, you may put a 1/1 white Soldier creature token into play. 1/2 Żadnych tribali w secie. ">Cleansing Fire W Instant Uncommon Remove from the game target creature you control A X to your manna pool where X it's this creatur converted mana cost Soul never die Food Chain? Ghost of tost - Wt sie 15, 2006 1:25 pm " />Orube's Verdict-3W Enchantment All static abilities doesn't work. ^-od razu powiem, że przykładowo kreatura z ltaniem podczas ataku może być blokowana prze wszystkie inne krity oppa, ale karty w styluEarthquake nie działają na danego krita. Warmonger - Wt sie 15, 2006 6:25 pm " />To cudo wyłącza samo siebie. To gorsze, niż Humility + Opalescence. Rzecz interesująca, ale mmay już w secie dość białych efektów, które czegoś zabraniają (Visage, Emperor, Undisturbed Dawn, Rechin - te pamiętam). bzyk - N sie 27, 2006 11:31 am " />za dzuo t mamy bialych wheenie , to jest ciekawe ale napewno zle zapisane.... ialem nawet kiedys takak karte w fc "Each other permanent loses all static abilities." powinno byc Ghost of tost - Pt wrz 01, 2006 8:57 am " />Urbe's Guard-WW Creature-Human Soldier First strike, Vigilance When Emperor Urbe is in play >this< get +2/+0 2/2 Edit:sry zapomniałem. Fusion of Angels-2W Instant Sacrifice 5 creature tokens. Put into play white Angel creature token with flying and with power and toughness equal to power and toughness all sacrificed tokens. Vitality from Maw-2W Instant You gain life equal to the number of removed cards from the game this turn. bzyk - Pt wrz 01, 2006 9:39 am " /> ">Urbe's Guard-WW Creature-Human Soldier First strike, Vigilance When Emperor Urbe is in play >this< get +2/+0 a) p/t? b) mamy juz zdecydownie za duzo wheene'aczy ! ">Fusion of Angels-2W Instant Sacrifice 5 creature tokens. Put into play white Angel creature token with flying and with power and toughness equal to power and toughness all sacrificed tokens. eee , jak dlamnie to moglo by byc za 1 many ze wzgledu na extremalne warunki ...i ogolnie mi sie nei podoba ">Vitality from Maw-2W Instant You gain life equal to the number of removed cards from the game this turn. cos mi sie wydaje ze takie cos juz sie przewinelo kilka(nascie) razy.. MasterBLB - Pt wrz 01, 2006 9:46 am " />już jest w tekstowym coś ala to vitality-tyle że z temporalem,i za wszystkie karty odusunięte od początku gry daje żywot mateohau - Pt wrz 01, 2006 1:31 pm " /><nazwa> 2ww Creature Angel - R flying 2, tap - remove your hand form the game face down, yours creatures get +0/+2 until end of the turn. At the beginning of your upkeep return all cards removed from the game with nazwa. 1/5 przeciw waga dla weeniaczy MasterBLB - Pt wrz 01, 2006 6:58 pm " />hmmm całkiem ciekawy aniołek,nawet mi się podoba spike - N wrz 03, 2006 1:17 pm " />Fearless Knights 2W Creature - Knight U Fearless Knights can block creatures with fear. 2/2 taki uncommonik Jakiś tam Enchantment 1WW Enchantment U whnever creature you control is put into graveyard from play, you may remove it from the game. If you do you gain life equal to it`s thoughness. Warmonger - N wrz 03, 2006 4:13 pm " /> ">Fearless Knights 2W Creature - Knight U Fearless Knights can block creatures with fear. 2/2 Proste, acz genialne. Moze grywalnością nie powala, ale w jakiejś formie ten pan musi się znaleźć w secie. bzyk - N wrz 03, 2006 5:28 pm " />tylko moze dac mu i kosztu i p/t .... bo wheenies mamy zdecydowanie za duzo .... i common a nie uncommon ">Jakiś tam Enchantment 1WW Enchantment U whnever creature you control is put into graveyard from play, you may remove it from the game. If you do you gain life equal to it`s thoughness. poco to skoro ostatnio wyszedl proper burial spike - Pn wrz 04, 2006 7:55 am " />Fearless Knights 2WW Creature - Knight C Fearless Knights can block creatures with fear. 3/4 teraz chyba lepiej MasterBLB - Pn wrz 04, 2006 10:10 am " />w sumie może być bzyk - Pn wrz 04, 2006 10:12 am " />tak , teraz imho jest w sam raz jak na commona z nutka swierzosci PASEK - Pt wrz 08, 2006 7:25 pm " />Dużo w secie stworów w tym kolorze mało kart, które normalnie są to jest preventy, protekcje itp. : Healing Nimbus 1W (C) instant infirmity 3 Prevent the next X damage to target creature or player dealt by the sources of damage of the color of your choice, where X is the number of cards removed from the game this turn. Mark of the Martyrdom W (C) enchantment- aura enchant creature Enchanted creature gets -X/-0, where X is the number of cards removed from the game this turn. Cease Fury WW (C) enchantment- aura enchant creature enchanted creature gains defender Reedem 1W (C) instant infirmity 3 Target creature gets protection from the colors of cards removed from the game this turn until the end of turn. Nimble Ward W (U) enchantment-aura enchant pernament enchanted pernament gets protection from the colors of cards removed from the game this turn. Call of cos tam 2W (C) instant Infirmity 2 Up to X target creatures get +X/+X until the end of turn where X is the number of white cards removed from the game this turn. bzyk - Pt wrz 08, 2006 7:50 pm " /> ">Cease Fury WW (C) enchantment- aura enchant creature enchanted creature gains defender za bardzo crapowate , nawet przy zwyklym pacyfizmie :/ ">Reedem 1W (C) instant infirmity 3 Target creature gets protection from the colors of cards removed from the game this turn until the end of turn. to jest swietne Zygi - N wrz 10, 2006 11:11 am " />Heroic Destiny W Enchantment - Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature gets +2/+2 Enchanted creature and creatures that share a name with it becomes legendary Magus of the sword 3WW 3/4 Creature Wizard Soldier First strike Creatures you controll with First strike have Crushing Blow Przekupny Egzorcysta ;] 2W 2/1 First Strike Whenever a card is put into a graveyard instead remove it from the game unles any player pays 1 bzyk - N wrz 10, 2006 11:22 am " /> ">Heroic Destiny W Enchantment - Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 Enchanted creature and creatures that share a name with it becomes legendary +1/+1 z drawbackiem? +2/+2 imho jak juz... ">Magus of the sword 1W 1/1 Creature Wizard Soldier First strike Creatures you controll with First strike have Crushing Blow pomysl fajny ale mamy jzu doosyc wheeniaczy ! wiekszy koszt (i p/t) Zygi - N wrz 10, 2006 11:29 am " />Zmieniłem Bzyk jak mówiłeś ;] a co do heroic destiny to ten drawback to moze słuzyć jako removal na krity opa ;] bzyk - N wrz 10, 2006 11:58 am " />moze, ale czy wtedy robi roznice czy edzie dawal wiecej? Zygi - Pn wrz 11, 2006 2:20 pm " />Order of Holly Sword 2W [2/3] Creature - Knight Creatures you controll are white Sky Patrol 6W 3/3 Creature - Soldier Temporal Flying, Crushing Blow Inquisition Dispelling Team 2WW [2/2] Creature - Cleric Knight Black and Red creature spells cost 2 more to play Aura Explosion W Sorcery As an additional cost to play sacrifice an enchantment Destroy each creature with power equal or less to CC of sacrificed enchantment bzyk - Wt wrz 12, 2006 3:18 pm " /> ">Order of Holly Sword 2W [2/3] Creature - Knight Creatures you controll are white niewiem co to ma robic ale ciekawe ">Aura Explosion W Sorcery As an additional cost to play sacrifice an enchantment Destroy each creature with power equal or less to CC of sacrificed enchantment to mi sie podoba Zygi - Wt wrz 12, 2006 6:09 pm " />Bzyk co do pierwszego rycerzyka to własnei ma byc bardziej flawowy pan co sie zajmuje nawracaniem twoich na własciwą wiare ;] MasterBLB - Pt wrz 15, 2006 9:33 pm " />Shield of Faith W instant C infirmity 1 Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to target creature or player this turn. |
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