H/W Sprzedam T&Na

kubowaty - So maja 17, 2008 6:36 pm
" />WANT ( za pieniądze lub karty)

2x Wilt-leaf liege - high high high !!!
4x Wooded Bastion - high high
4x Fire-lit thicket
3x Flame Javelin
4x Boggart-ram gang
4x Tattermunge maniac
3x Wilt-leaf cavalers
3x Deus of calamity
3x Kitchen finks
4x Oversoul of dusk- high
2x Swans of Bryn Argoll
3x Vexing Shusher


Kompletny turniejowy deck :gw: :gw: :gw: Tooth and Nail :gw: :gw: :gw:

Spis (wraz z sideboard'em i kartami do modyfikacji)
3x Windswept Heath - 24
1x Temple Garden - 18
1x Boseiju, who shelters all - 5
4x Urza's Tower -3
4x Urza's Mine - 3
4x Urza's Power Plant - 3
4x Wall of Roots - 2,5
2x Eternal Witness - 8
1x Mephidross Vampire - 5
1x Triskelion - 7
1x Sundering Titan - 8
1x Darksteel Colossus - 23
1x Kiki-jiki, mirror breaker - 5
1x Sky Hussar - 1
4x Sakura-Tribe Elder - 2,5
4x Sylvan Scrying - 1
2x Mindslaver - 8
4x Tooth and Nail - 10
4x Reap and Sow - 1
4x Moment's Peace - 2
4x Sensei's Diving Top - 5
3x Oblivion Stone - 7
2x Loxodon Hierarch - 14
3x Krosan Grip - 3
3x Kataki, War's Wage - 17
3x Sacred Ground - 4,5
3x Oxidize - 1
2x Naturalize - 1
3x Serrated Arrows- 2.5
5x Forest - free

Wychodzi 439 zł. Jestem w stanie sprzedać całość za 400 zł.

Reszta kart:

:u: :u: :u:NIEBIESKIE :u: :u: :u:
:1x Willbender-2
1x Spellshift-1
1x Prodigal Sorcerer - 1
1x Shapesharer-2
2x Fact or Fiction - 6
1x Thought Reflection - 2
3x Mulldrifter-1
2x Nacromoeba - 1,5
3x Delay - 2
2x Unsummon - 0,5
2x Ponder - 0,5
3x Faerie trickery - 0,5

:r: :r: :r:CZERWONE :r: :r: :r:
1x Countryside crusher foil - 48
1x Torchling-4
1x Flame Javelin - 5
1x Lava Spike foil - 3,5
1x Ashling the Pilgrim-3
1x Borderland Behemoth-2
1x Taurean Mauler-8
6x Lash Our - 0,5
2x Smash to Smithereens- 1
2x Sulfur elemental - 2,5
3x Sudden shock - 2,5
1x Brute Force - 1

:b: :b: :b:CZARNE :b: :b: :b:
1x Oona's prowler- 13
1x Earwig squad- 9
3x Withered Wretch-2
1x Demonic Colussion-2
1x Wet Willie of the Damned foil - 1.5
4x DAuthi Slayer-5/komplet
2x Nether Traitor-3
1x Seize the soul-1
1x Living end-1
6x Shriekmaw-3
1x Deathmark-3
3x Stinkdrinker bandit - 1.5
1x marsh flitter -1,5
4x Morsel theft - 1
4x Ravenous rats - 1
3x Faerie Macabre (1x foil) - 1 (2,5)
1x Dread return - 1,5
1x Black Knight (niemiecki) - 6
8x Eyeblight's Ending - 0,75
4x Augur of skulls - 1
1xc Diabolic tutor wb - 1,5
2x Nameless inversion - 1

:ug: :uw: :ur: :rb: :rg: MULTICOLOR :ug: :uw: :ur: :rb: :rg:
1x Vexing Shusher (nie foil) - 23
1x Oona, Queen of the Fae[/b] - 10
5x Gaddock Teeg-18
1x Glen Elendra Liege - 6
1x Mystic Enforcer-4
2x Swans of bryn argoll - 18
1x Demigod of Revenge - 9,5
2x Firespout - 4
1x Rosheen Meanderer - 2
1x Impromptu Raid -1,5
2x Harmonic Sliver - 1,5
1x Inkfathom Infiltrator - 1
1x Wasp lancer -1

:t: :t: :t:LANDS :t: :t: :t:
4x Steam Vents [1x foil] (zwykly - 22, foil- 48)
1x Brushland 10ed - 12
1x Mosswort Bridge - 2
1x Shelldock Isle - 2
1x Leechridden Swamp - 1
1x Madblind Mountain -1
2x Vivid Marsh - 1,5
3x Vivid grove - 1,5
1x Vivid creek- 1,5
1x Vivid meadow - 1,5
1x Plains UNH - 3
1x Forbidding Watchtower - 1.5
1x Keldon megaliths - 2
1x Dryad arbor - 1
xxx foil landy - 1,5

:1: :1: :1:ARTEFAKTY :1: :1: :1:
1x Darksteel colossus - 23
4x Dodecapod (1 foil) - 9/kpl
1x Dolmen Gate -2
1x Cauldron of souls- 1
4x Coldsteel heart - 8/komplet
1x Thornwatch Scarecrow foil - 1
2x Mindslaver- 8
1x Rings of Brightheart - 2

:w: :w: :w:BIAŁE :w: :w: :w:
2x Reveillark - 13
1x Thoughtweft trio - 4
1x Hoofprints of the stag (foil) - 9
2x Daybreak Coronet - 1
1x Battletide Alchemist - 2
1x Hold the line - 2
1x Reverence - 2
6x Oblivion Ring - 1
3x Knight of meadowgrain - 2
4x Kithkin harbringer - 1
1x Wizened cenn - 2
4x Stonecloaker ( 1 foil) - 1,5 (3)
1x Mana tithe - 0,5
1x Goldenmeadow stalwart - 2
3x Crib swap - 0,5
1x Fortify -1
1x Cenn's tactician - 1
4x Surge of thoughtweft - 0,5

:g: :g: :g:GREEN :g: :g: :g:
3x Stonewood invocation - 4,5
2x Wren's Run packmaster (1x foil promo 1x zwykly) - 6
1x Vigor - 4
3x Scapeshift - 5
1x Quagnoth - 4
1x Cream of the crop -4
4x Eyes of the wisent - 7
1x Timbermare -4
1x Raring Conopy -3
2x Primal Command - 5
2x Woodfall Primus - 3
1x Protean Hulk - 7
2x Life from the loam - 6
1x Eternal Witness -8
1x Mana reflection -1,5
4x Llanowar elves - 8/komplet
3x Briarhorn -1
4x Giant growth (ice age BB) - 2
2x giant growth - 0,5
4x Naturalize -1
3x Oxidize - 1
1x Uktabi drake -0,5
1x gaea's might - 1
2x Summoner's Pact - 5
3x Treefolk Harbringer - 0,5
2x llanowar augur - 0,5

Trade'owalem z bardzo wieloma osobami (niestety nie robiłem na bieżąco listy)Poza tym na allegro mam ponad 100 pozytywów
Moje GG: 1444807
Wszelkie pytania wysyłajcie na GG lub PW
Koszt przesyłki - 5,5zł (polecony, priorytet)

kubowaty - Pn maja 19, 2008 7:10 pm
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