Potrzebne w secie karty niebieskie

PASEK - Pt wrz 22, 2006 7:42 pm
" />Potrzebne głównie karty do limited, ewentualnie jeszcze jakis bounce lub draw. Najchętniej bym zobaczył pomysły na jakiś lataczy do limited

Frozen_Shade - Pt wrz 22, 2006 8:54 pm
" />~name~ 1U
Creature - ? (cokolwiek) (common)
If you removed ~5 or more cards from your library from the game this turn ~name~ gains flying. (This effect doesn't end at end of turn)
W secie jest od groma małych niebieskich gości potrzebujemy czegoś większego\droższego w manie do limited

bzyk - Pt wrz 22, 2006 8:56 pm
" />^fajne , ale zrobilbym z tego triger , bo teraz niewiadomo co to jest , czy static (powinno byc as long...i malokiedy by dzialalo) czy co...

Frozen_Shade - Pt wrz 22, 2006 8:58 pm
" />No ja tam sie nie znam, static/triger bardzo malo mi mowi (tak to wyglada jak sie wypadlo z mtg).

Zygi - Pt wrz 22, 2006 9:05 pm
" />A może

Mały pomiot szatana i motopompy 2U 2/2
Creature - Drake szatan motopompa?
Whenever the fifth card is removed from the game ~this~ gets flying and can't be target of spells or abilities (dis efekt dozent endz at end of tern)

Saise - So wrz 23, 2006 4:59 am
" />Rushing Gonzo - 2UU
Creature - Drake (U)
Whenever your opponent draws a card, ~ gets +2/+2 and has flying until end of turn.
Zły wording- gains flying, nie wiem czy nie powinno być +1/+1 lub po prostu że jeśli opp dobrał kratę w tej turze to to dostaje +2/2

Meditating Halooka - 1U
Creature - Halooka
Whenever a permanent you control becomes the target of opponent spell or ability, you may look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, and remove the second card from the game.
Zdecydowanie za dobre z en-korami lub shuko

Ghost of tost - So wrz 23, 2006 7:30 am
" />Drifting Soul-1UU
This creatur have power and toughness equal to the number of illusion in play
Krovikan mist odpada

bzyk - So wrz 23, 2006 8:59 am
" />
">Drifting Soul-1UU
This creatur have power and toughness equal to the number of illusion in play

Krovikan Mist

ironworks - So wrz 23, 2006 9:17 am
" />Words of Imagination 1
Enchantment (r)
[2]:Draw two cards. Your opponents may play this ability this turn. Play this ability only once each turn.
[1] :Other players can't draw card this turn. Play this ability only any time you could play a sorcery.
Moim zdaniem jest trochę zbyt przekombinowane i jest też trochę za mocne robi trade secret co turę. Nie podoba mi się ani pomysł ani wykonanie.

stw - So wrz 23, 2006 2:25 pm
" />
">Rushing Gonzo - 2UU
Creature - Drake (U)
Whenever your opponent draw a card, ~ gets +2/+2 and has flying until end of turn.

Hmm, fajny, tylko w turze oponenta jest prawie zawsze 5/4. Proponuję dać mu +1/+1 zamist 2 i będzie chyba dobrze.

">Meditating Halooka - 1U
Creature - Halooka
Whenever a permanent you control becomes the target of opponent spell or ability, you may look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, and remove the second card from the game.

A gdzie P/T?

">Drifting Soul-1UU
This creatur have power and toughness equal to the number of illusion in play

Jakoś nie widzę tej karty?

">Words of Imagination 1UU
Enchantment (r)
2:Draw two cards. Your opponents may play this ability this turn. Play this ability only once each turn.
1UU:Other players can't draw card this turn. Play this ability only any time you could play a sorcery.

Nie wiem co o tym sądzić. Pomysł fajny ale nie wiem czy nie za mocne, szczególnie na limited. Za 5 many dobierz 2 karty, i powtarzaj to co turę to chyb mocne jest.

Berłoś - Wt wrz 26, 2006 5:00 pm
" />Mam nadzieję, że potrzebne są też byczki, więc:

exhausing manta
creature 5uu
When ~this~ comes into play skip your next turn.
When ~this~ leaves play gain an extra turn after this one.

eh rzeczywiście manta może zmienic next turn na untap step, a na leaves play zmienic target player skips his or her next untap step.

Unpleasant Drake
creature - drake 2uu
whenever you remove a card from the game ~this~ cannot be target of spells and abilities until end of turn.

Temporal Adventage
instant 5uu
For each card an effect controlled by opponent removed from the game this turn from his library, draw a card.

Balancing Harmony
sorcery 2u
For each land that came into play this turn under your control return target non-land pernament into it's owners hand.

Potrzebne są raczej commony a te na takowe się nie nadają

Robuzz - Wt wrz 26, 2006 5:23 pm
" />
">Rushing Gonzo - 2UU
Creature - Drake (U)
Whenever your opponent draws a card, ~ gets +2/+2 and has flying until end of turn.
Zły wording- gains flying, nie wiem czy nie powinno być +1/+1 lub po prostu że jeśli opp dobrał kratę w tej turze to to dostaje +2/2

Meditating Halooka - 1U
Creature - Halooka
Whenever a permanent you control becomes the target of opponent's spell or ability, you may look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, and remove the second card from the game.
Zdecydowanie za dobre z en-korami lub shuko

1. +1/+1 faktycznie wystarczy. Reszta spoko.
2. @PASEK: Chyba nie zauważyłeś tam tego ...opponent's.... Z tym ta karta jest spoko, p/t miał być zapewne 1/1, w takiej postaci proponuje dodać do setu.

">creature 5uu
When ~this~ comes into play skip your next turn.
When ~this~ leaves play gain an extra turn after this one.

To w sumie od biedy też mogłoby być.

Warmonger - Wt wrz 26, 2006 5:24 pm
" />
">creature 5uu
When ~this~ comes into play skip your next turn.
When ~this~ leaves play gain an extra turn after this one.

Wormfang Manta?

majki - Wt wrz 26, 2006 6:28 pm
" />Creature 5U


Tak.. po prostu?

Creature 5U

Sacrifice this. Tap target permanent.
no fakt potrzebne są w secie kart proste i nie przekombinowane ale czy to nie jest przesada? Pomyśle jeszcze nad tym drugim

spike - Wt wrz 26, 2006 6:43 pm
" />Living Magic 2UU(?)
Instant (U)
Infirmity 3
Target enchantment becomes creature with power and toughness equal to its converted mana cost until end of turn, it`s still enchantment
Draw a card

coś chyba pomieszałem w wordingu
Ożywianie enchatmentów to biała zdolność, raczej nie przejdzie

mateoosh01 - Wt wrz 26, 2006 7:45 pm
" />Abra-kadabra 2U
Instant C
Target creature gains flying. Whenewer This creature becomes blocked remove it from combat. Return it undery you control at end of turn tapped.
When this creature is put into a graveyard drwa a card.
Nie chcemy takich kart, w slocie commonów potrzebne nam są proste karty o konkretnym działaniu ( dobrym przykładem są commony proponowane przez Warmongera i Majkiego ) lub karty robione specjanlnie z myślą o limited

spike - Pt wrz 29, 2006 5:53 pm
" />Magic Adept 2UU
Creature — Human Wizard (R?)
Whenever Magic adept comes into play name an instant or sorcery card.
2T: Search your library for the named card and play it without paying its mana cost, then remove that card from the game. Magic Adept deals X damage to you, where X is that spells converted mana cost.
Fajny, fajny, ale nie wiem czy nie za mocny. napewno się nad nim zastanowimy.

Warmonger - Pt wrz 29, 2006 6:01 pm
" />
">Abra-kadabra 2U
Instant C
Target creature gains flying. Whenewer This creature becomes blocked remove it from combat. Return it undery you control at end of turn tapped.
When this creature is put into a graveyard drwa a card.

A mi się podoa. Fajny common o dużych możliwościach, jego wartość bojowa jest nie do przecenienia.
trzeba tylko dodać "until end of tunr", "permanently" albo co.

HomAR - So wrz 30, 2006 10:52 am
" />E, to wytlumacz moze jak to dziala, bo na razie widze, ze mozna tym starac sie przejac krity oppa tym returnem z eotem, ktory jest zbedny.

Robuzz - So wrz 30, 2006 11:45 am
" />
">Zapychacz nie podoba mi się

No offence Pasku ale sam prosiłeś o konstruktywną krytykę z naszej strony, fajnie byłoby jakbyś też się do tego stosował

Btw. mnie ta karta akurat się podoba, tylko trzebaby zmnienić nazwę i trochę działanie.

stw - N paź 01, 2006 11:51 am
" />BLUE: (C- 17/20, U- 14/15, R- 14/15)
Kolejny kolor, który jest prawie skończony. 3 Commony, 1 Uncommon i 1 Erka do końca.

spike - N paź 01, 2006 12:17 pm
" />Magic Adept ver.2 2UU
Creature — Human Wizard (R)
Whenever Magic adept comes into play name an instant or sorcery card.
2T: Search your library for the named card and play it without paying its mana cost, then remove that card from the game. Magic Adept deals X damage to you, where X is that spells converted mana cost. Use this ability only during your turn.

Metka - Śr paź 04, 2006 8:07 pm
" />Jakiśtam Doppelganger lub shapeshifter 3UU
Creature ??
As ~ comes into play you may choose another creature in play. If you do ~ becomes a copy of that creature and gains "1U: Remove this card from the game" As long as it is removed from the game this way it has "1UU: return ~ to play".

Dawałem już ten pomysł, chyba się spodobał kilku osobom ale gdzieś przepadł:

Szymon Atan 2UU
Creature - human wizard U
When ~ comes into play put token into play that's a copy of target creature with CMC equal or less than 3.
1/3 ? 2/3 ? 1/4 ?
W secie jest już shapeshifter więc te pomysły chyba nie mają sensu

Zygi - Śr paź 04, 2006 8:38 pm
" />Moon Chant U
Instant (C/U)
Spells you play cost 1 less to play until end of turn

^ xD

Chamber of Crushed Time 2U
Enchantment (U)
Cards with temporal loses temporal and cost 1 more to play for each card removed from the game this turn

Ectoplasmic Drifter 3U [1/4]
Creature - Illusion (U)
Defender, Unblockable
3U: Swith ~this~ power and thoughtness until end of turn, this loses defender until end of turn
Ostatnia propozycja jest ciekawa i zastanowimy się od chamberem do karcenia temporala- moon chnat jest chyba za dobry jako C\U może jako R

mateoosh01 - Śr paź 04, 2006 8:43 pm
" />Szymek czardodziej 2U
creature - Human wizard C? U?
(flash) niechce mi sie pisac keyworda
When ~this~ Comes into play remve targget creature from the game. Return it to play at end of it's owner turn.
Sacrifice two Creatures: return ~this~ to your hand.
Pomysł ciekawy ale druga umiejętność cąłkowicie zbędna no i tak naprawdę to na C\U potrzebujemy jakiś większych kolesi bo małych jest już dużo za dużo

M0rw47h - Śr paź 04, 2006 9:09 pm
" />Strange Trick U
~ can't be played during your turn.
As additional cost to play ~ remove a blue instant card in your hand from the game.
Add X blue mana to your mana pool equal removed card converted mana cost.
"I can't do anything? Truly?"
Niebieski ekarty nie powinny dawać many

North Winds UU
~ can't be played during your turn.
Untap all lands, then remove a blue instant card in your hand from the game or tap all lands your control.
"So cold? You don't know what mean cold."
Reset? chyba trochę przesadzamy

Horrible Suggestion XU
~ can't be played during your turn.
Target player removes X top cards of his or her library from the game.
"Nothing is worst than empty mind."
Niebieski thought

Emil. - Śr paź 04, 2006 9:19 pm
" />ptak 5U
creature - bird?(czy jakiś inny typ pasujący do setu) C
when ~this comes into play look at the top five card of your library. put 1 of those cards on top of your library and remove the rest from the game

latające cośtam 4U
enchantment - aura U
enchant creature
enchanted creature has +2/+2 flying and "whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player draw a card"

ściana chmur 2UU
creature - ilusion? C
defender flying

HomAR - Śr paź 04, 2006 10:23 pm
" />niebieski drogi koles 5U
creature - ilusion C
Whenever {this} deals combat damage to a player, you may pay 2U, and return a creature you control to it's owner hand. If you do, draw two cards.

ironworks - Cz paź 05, 2006 3:52 pm
" />ściągacz nasytu 2
creature - illusuon
whenever Sciągacz nasytu becomes target of spell or ability, each player may draw a card.
W niebieskim nie chcemy już raczej wogóle stworów bo jest ich i tak za dużo

PASEK - Cz paź 05, 2006 4:04 pm
" />Potrzebny niebieski removal- coś zabraniającego jakieś creaturze untapu ( stasis cell w formie C lub U

ironworks - Cz paź 05, 2006 4:07 pm
" />Sleep 1
Enchantment - Aura
Play Sleep only on a creature.
Enchanted permanent doensn't utap during its controller untap step.
2 Attach sleep to target permanent
To jest prawie to samo co stasis cell tylko lepsze i kosztuje 3 many mniej hmm- przesada?

HomAR - Cz paź 05, 2006 4:12 pm
" />niebieski removal 2U
enchantment - aura
enchant creature
enchanted creature doesn't untap during it's controller untap step.
3: move {this} to target creature. any player may play this ability.

Jak tak na to spojrzalem, to w zasadzie podobne do stasis cella. mozna wiec dodac "remove {this} from the game: return ench. creat. to it's owner hand.

PASEK - Cz paź 05, 2006 4:26 pm
" />żeby nie było nieporozumień

Stasis cell kosztuje 5 many, nowa cela z TS 6 ,więc karty lepsze od niej powinny kosztować około 5 many lub więcej

Gorsze karty :

niebieski removal 2U
enchantment - aura
enchant creature
enchanted creature doesn't untap during it's controller untap step.
3,Remove ~this from the game:Return enchanted creature to its owner's hand. Any player may play this ability

Mogą kosztować mniej

ironworks - Cz paź 05, 2006 5:43 pm
" />Flashjing Annex U
Cards can't be removed from the game this turn.

Jakaś tam grywalnoś, aczkolwiek znikoma jest. Poza setem, np. do rurki czy tamkolwiek.

Frozen_Shade - Cz paź 05, 2006 5:45 pm
" />Imo pod seta swietne.

M0rw47h - Cz paź 05, 2006 5:49 pm
" />
">Flashjing Annex U
Cards can't be removed from the game this turn.

Jakaś tam grywalnoś, aczkolwiek znikoma jest. Poza setem, np. do rurki czy tamkolwiek.

Fajny hate w U na lejlajna... i to za 1 many...
Extrakcje, psychatoga, echo...

Nie sadzisz. ze troche przegiete...?

ironworks - Cz paź 05, 2006 6:03 pm
" />poza tym kontra w extrakcje, powiedzmy moze zgrywac z kartami z flashem, crapcombo z hauntem i takie tam syty. Chyba warty slota w secie.

Zygi - Cz paź 05, 2006 8:01 pm
" />Stairway to Future 6U
Sorcery (R)
Gain an additional turn after this one

Moon Embrace U
Enchantment - Aura (U)
Enchanted creature becomes colorless and has: "T: Target permanent becomes colorles until end of turn"

Stormspeakers 4U [1/7]
Creature - Wyrdling Wizard
Whenever you remove a card from the game Storm speakers gets +1/-1 until end of turn
Whenever an opponent remove a card from the game Stormspeakers gets -1/+0 until end of turn

Wrath of the tides 2UU
Instant (R)
Return each attacking or blocking creature with power equal or less to the number of islands in play

^Flavowe ;D

http://k20.h2.pl/fantasy/test.php?naz=& ... az&id=7880 <- może to sie wpasuje w seta? :]

Cabal - Cz paź 05, 2006 11:45 pm
" />Name 2UU
Creature - Bird/Drake (C)
Whenever ~ becomes the target spell or ability your's opponent control, untap ~.

Name U
Sorcery (R)
You and target opponent reveal a card from hand.
Player who revealed a card with higher converted mana cost, draw two cards.

Name U
Sorcery (U)
Target player skips his or her next draw step.

Name 2UU
Creature - Bird/Drake (U)
Whenever ~ is return to its owner's hands, draw a card.
W niebieskim mamy już mało slotów na U\C i kolesi jest stanowczo za dużo

spike - Śr paź 11, 2006 4:21 pm
" />Name 2UU
Creature — Illusion
Creatures you control have "When this creature attacks and isn`t blocked you may pay UU remove it from the game. If you do draw a card, at end of turn return that creature into play."
Stworó niebieskich narazie dosyć

Ghost of tost - So paź 14, 2006 7:52 am
" />Crazy copycat-2UU
2U:~this~ gain all abilities of taget creature until end of turn.

Frozen_Shade - So paź 14, 2006 7:55 am
" />Slabiutenkie, btw przeczytaj co jest napisane czerwona czcionka w poscie nad Twoim.

spike - So paź 14, 2006 7:47 pm
" />Nazwa XU
Search target players liblary for X cards. Shuffle that players liblary and put these cards on top of its owners liblary

Cabal - N paź 15, 2006 12:19 am
" />Może coś się przyda:

Arithas's Knowledge 2UU
Sorcery (C)
Look at the top five cards of your library. You may put two in your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.

Phantom Vagrant U
Creature - Illusion (R)
If Phantom Vagrant would come into play from your hand, instead draw a card and put Phantom Vagrant on top of your library.

Flow of Ice 2UU
Sorcery (U)
Put target creature an opponent controls on top of its owners library. That player shuffles their library.

Storm Sea Barrier 1UU
Enchantment (R)
Creature spells cost 2 more to play.

Lillian's Scrying 2U
Sorcery (U)
Name a card type. Target opponent reveals his or her hand. Draw a card for each card of the chosen type revealed in this way.

Terrain Trading 1U
Instant (U)
Target opponent gains control of land his or her choice you control.
Draw two cards.

Dreaming Wish 2U
Sorcery (R)
As an additional cost to play Dreaming Wish, remove a card in your hand from the game.
Put a card you own from outside the game with the same or less converted mana cost as the removed card into your hand.

Diversity 1U
Instant (C)
Target creature gets -X/-0 until end of turn, where X is the number of blue permanents you control.
Draw a card.

Eternal Banish 1UU
Sorcery (U)
Return target creature to owner's hand. Players can't play a spell with the same name as creature returned that way.

Name 2UU
Enchantment - Aura (U)
Enchant Permanent
Enchanted permanent has "T: Draw a card."

Planar Warp 1U
Instant (U)
Play Planar Warp only during an opponent's upkeep.
Target opponent chooses draw step, main phase, or combat phase. That player skips each instance of the chosen step or phase this turn.

Name U
Instant (U)
As an additional cost to play ~, tap all lands you control.
Copy target instant or sorcery spell. You may choose new targets for the copy.

Runes of Wisdom 2U
Sorcery (U)
Target player remove the top six cards of his or her library from the game.
Draw a card for each instant card removed from the game that way.

Stasis Mist 2U
Instant (U)
If a permanent would untap this turn, it remains tapped instead.
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