Standard - Artykuly
M0rw47h - Pt lut 08, 2008 12:43 pm
" />*Nie komentujemy w tym watku*
MEGA UP PROSTO Z WORKA MIKOŁAJA: Power Issues--How to Win at an FNM - Gamester2488 The Top Ten Best Shamans in Standard - Mike Flores Magical Hack - Plenty More Fish In The Sea - Sean McKeown There And Back Again - More ELVES! in Standard by Bill Stark Deconstructing Constructed - Lorwyn Block Constructed: A Basic Breakdown by Josh Silvestri You Lika The Juice? - EDH and Commander by Bennie Smith Yawgmoth?s Whimsy #220 - Three Decks by Peter Jahn Net Deck #1 (2008-04-02) by Alan Andrzejewski Blocketology by Robin Russell On The Bubble - Blocketology by David Whitelaw Blocketology ? Bracket Busters! by Thomas Trovato Deconstructing Constructed - Snow Crash by Josh Silvestri The Great White Hope by George Stephanis Tribal Thriftiness #18 - New in the Dollar Bin by Dave Meeson
GargaHusk in Standard by Zaiem Beg - 4/1/2008 Standard Reset Doran in T2 by Thomas Trovato - 3/26/2008 The Many Hats Goblins Wear by Robin Russell - 1.03.08 Actually, It's Spelled "Rogues" by Chris Jobin, 29.02.2008 Big Idea Saga I: Morningtide by Justin Vizaro - 2/23/2008 Ten Decklists by Kuan-Kuan Tian - 2/21/2008 You Lika The Juice? - Follow-up on States, and Reveillark by Bennie Smith - 20.02.08 The Magic Show #82 ? Morningtide Standard by Evan Erwin - 20.02.08 Analiza Standardu (Morningtide) by M0rw47h - 18.02.08 "Project R" by Blake Rasmussen "Ono, There Goes Tokyo! Go, go, Warriors!" Riki Hayashi
M0rw47h - ¦r lut 20, 2008 12:52 pm
" />You Lika The Juice? - Follow-up on States, and Reveillark by Bennie Smith - 20.02.08 The Magic Show #82 ? Morningtide Standard by Evan Erwin - 20.02.08
M0rw47h - Cz lut 21, 2008 12:12 pm
" />Ten Decklists by Kuan-Kuan Tian - 2/21/2008
M0rw47h - So lut 23, 2008 2:35 am
" />Big Idea Saga I: Morningtide by Justin Vizaro - 2/23/2008
gierek - Pt lut 29, 2008 5:30 pm
" />Actually, It's Spelled "Rogues" by Chris Jobin, 29.02.2008
M0rw47h - So mar 01, 2008 2:35 pm
" />The Many Hats Goblins Wear by Robin Russell - 1.03.08
M0rw47h - ¦r kwi 02, 2008 10:50 am
" />GargaHusk in Standard by Zaiem Beg - 4/1/2008 Standard Reset Doran in T2 by Thomas Trovato - 3/26/2008
Mikołaj - N kwi 13, 2008 9:06 am
" />MEGA UP PROSTO Z WORKA MIKOŁAJA: Power Issues--How to Win at an FNM - Gamester2488 The Top Ten Best Shamans in Standard - Mike Flores Magical Hack - Plenty More Fish In The Sea - Sean McKeown There And Back Again - More ELVES! in Standard by Bill Stark Deconstructing Constructed - Lorwyn Block Constructed: A Basic Breakdown by Josh Silvestri You Lika The Juice? - EDH and Commander by Bennie Smith Yawgmoth?s Whimsy #220 - Three Decks by Peter Jahn Net Deck #1 (2008-04-02) by Alan Andrzejewski Blocketology by Robin Russell On The Bubble - Blocketology by David Whitelaw Blocketology ? Bracket Busters! by Thomas Trovato Deconstructing Constructed - Snow Crash by Josh Silvestri The Great White Hope by George Stephanis Tribal Thriftiness #18 - New in the Dollar Bin by Dave Meeson
Ułożone s± czasem napisania, od najstarszego do najnowszego. Najstarszy jest zdaje się z 1 kwietnia a najnowszy z pi±tku. Będę starał się upować to zawsze gdy pojawi się nowy artykuł.
Mikołaj - Wt kwi 15, 2008 5:56 am
" />There And Back Again - The Standard Gauntlet by Bill Starku
Mikołaj - ¦r kwi 16, 2008 8:26 am
" />You Lika The Juice? - Shadows of Standard, Part II by Bennie Smith Chatter of the Squirrel ? The Trouble with Faeries by Zac Hill
Mikołaj - Pt kwi 18, 2008 7:59 am
" />Tempo Tempo Tempo by Robin Russell Glittering wish and idyllic tutor by third_place
Mikołaj - Wt kwi 22, 2008 7:23 am
" />We Are the (City) Champions by Brian David-Marshall Merfolk Mania by Hibulp There And Back Again - The Correct RDW List by Bill Stark Deconstructing Constructed ? Examining Shadowmoor by Josh Silvestri
Mikołaj - ¦r kwi 23, 2008 7:44 am
" />Constructed Applications in Shadowmoor by Zaiem Beg Nie wiem na ile dobra merytorycznie jest ta analiza, bo nieco wypadłem z T2, ale warto by pocz±tkuj±cy zapoznali się z tym artykułem ze względu na ceny kart z Shadowmoor. Nawet je¶li s± one bardzo orientacyjne. You Lika The Juice? - Persistence by Bennie Smith
Mikołaj - N kwi 27, 2008 11:32 am
" />Net Deck #3 (2008-04-23) by Alan Andrzejewski Standard Operating Procedure by Mike Flores Magical Hack - Hacking Hollywood by Sean McKeown Red Decks Post Shadowmoor by wogit_460
M0rw47h - N kwi 27, 2008 1:41 pm
" />Analiza spoilera Shadowmoor by Przemek Oberbek <- jako plik worda do sciagniecia. W krzywym zwierciadle - Wróżki by M0rw47h
Mikołaj - Pn kwi 28, 2008 5:01 am
" />There And Back Again - Revisiting Red Deck Wins by Bill Stark
Mikołaj - Wt kwi 29, 2008 11:44 am
" />Deconstructing Constructed - Red Deck Wins, Maybe by Josh Silvestri
Mikołaj - ¦r kwi 30, 2008 9:36 am
" />Tarmorack in Shadowmoor by Zaiem Beg
You Lika The Juice? - Cauldron (Persistence, Part 2) by Bennie Smith
Mikołaj - ¦r maja 07, 2008 10:55 am
" />Przekrój przez Lorwyn Block Constructed (2008-05-05) by Mateusz ¦liwiński
Deconstructing Constructed – Mono-Green: Now With Fewer Elves by Josh Silvestri
Feature Article – Shadowmoor in Type 4 by Paul Mastriano You Lika The Juice? - When in Richmond by Bennie Smith Chatter of the Squirrel - Deckbuilding as ‶Problem Solving” by Zac Hill
TMP: Return of the 2 Mana 2/2 by reubs11 Shadowy Outlines: Doran Rock by Thomas Trovato
Mikołaj - Pt maja 09, 2008 7:41 am
" />Magical Hack - Introspection, Faeries, and the SCG $13k Mega-Weekend by Sean McKeown The Magic Show #95 – The $13,000 Weekend And You by Evan Erwin
Mikołaj - Pn maja 12, 2008 4:42 am
" />Deconstructing Constructed – Dissecting the Star City Games $5000 Open Day 1 by Josh Silvestri
Mikołaj - Wt maja 13, 2008 11:34 am
" />Scouse of Cards – Starting Block by Craig Stevenson
Fighting the Status Quo by Storm Crow
Mikołaj - Cz maja 15, 2008 11:29 am
" />MTGCast #104 - Shadowmoor Standard and Limited Loopholes! by Gavin Verhey and pitimp Standard Analysis: Faeries by Bob_B Breaking (or Making!) the Lorwyn Block Metagame by mikeg542 Chatter of the Squirrel – Those Blasted Fae by Zac Hill You Lika The Juice? - Scrubbing & Redemption by Bennie Smith lThe Kitchen Table #233 - Shadowmoor Decks by Abe Sargent Tribal Thriftiness #23 - More TT Aggro, or ‶When Good Aggro Decks Go Non-Aggro” by Dave Meeson
Faeries Faeries Faeries Faeries Faeries by Mike Flores
Affinity Reborn by Thomas Trovato Shadowmoor Standard Primer part two by third_place
Mikołaj - Pt maja 16, 2008 9:56 am
" />Blocketology II - Adding Shadowmoor by Robin Russell
Hollywood Blockbuster by Brian David-Marshall
Magical Hack - Hacking Through The Competition by Sean McKeown The Magic Show #96 – How The Red Deck Won In Richmond by Evan Erwin
Mikołaj - So maja 17, 2008 12:56 pm
" />Shadowmoor Standard Primer part three by third_place Block on the Cheap by Justin Vizaro
Mikołaj - ¦r maja 21, 2008 7:07 am
" />Keeping Merfolk Afloat by rpitcher The Main Phase – Delusions of Grandeur by Reuben Bresler You Lika The Juice? - The Faerie Problem and Cleverness by Bennie Smith
Mikołaj - Pt maja 23, 2008 8:30 am
" />Tribal Thriftiness #24 - Cooling Off For Summer by Dave Meeson
Making the Metagame by Mike Flores
[Lorwyn Block] Building Faeries by Implacable Breaking (hypothetically) the LRW Meta by mikeg542
Unstructual Analysis of Lorwyn Block by maidengames The Flavors of Red by Jeremy Fuentes
Magical Hack - Pondering Faeries by Sean McKeown The Magic Show #97 – Hollywood Bound by Evan Erwin
Mikołaj - Wt cze 03, 2008 7:06 am
" />Getting ready for regionals: Fish for Dinner by Destroyer51 PT Hollywood Synopsis by Robin Russell Getting ready for regionals: More Omega-3 fatty acids by Destroyer51
Deconstructing Constructed - Grand Prix Lessons by Josh Silvestri
Mikołaj - Cz cze 05, 2008 9:22 am
" />Net Deck #6 (2008-06-04) by Alan Andrzejewski:Papier, Kamień i Nożyce
So It Begins... by Mike Flores Chatter of the Squirrel – The Reveillark Fallacy, and the Application of Theory in Standard Pro Tours by Zac Hill You Lika The Juice? - Gilt & Consistency by Bennie Smith Standard By The Numbers by Paul Jordan
Mikołaj - ¦r cze 11, 2008 12:00 pm
" />Pro Tour–Hollywood in Review by Richard Hagon The Magic Show #99 – Pro Tour: Hollywood Part 2 by Evan Erwin
Looking at "10 Commandments" by SPU Deck Building with Comparative Card Choice by Nate Heiss How I Qualified for Nationals! by Kaptainkeezy Sheep at Ohio Regionals by Greg McCleery The Main Phase – Almost: A Regionals Story by Reuben Bresler Deconstructing Constructed - Block Control With a Side of Rants by Josh Silvestri Chatter of the Squirrel – Deck Evolution by Zac Hill You Lika The Juice? - Mid-Atlantic Regionals by Bennie Smith Reveillark at Regionals: T4 by trigunshin
Mikołaj - Cz cze 12, 2008 8:03 am
" />Redcaps and Recaps by Mike Flores
Tribal Thriftiness #27 - Unthrifty at Regionals by Dave Meeson
Mikołaj - Cz cze 19, 2008 10:13 am
" />Winner Winner Winner... and Other Decks by Mike Flores
Tribal Thriftiness #28 - Timmy! by Dave Meeson Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #231 - Gamers and Gamblers by Peter Jahn
Mikołaj - ¦r cze 25, 2008 9:37 am
" />You Lika The Juice? - Standard Once More by Bennie Smith Chatter of the Squirrel - A Grand Prix: Indianapolis Retrospective by Zac Hill
Brown Out: Don�t Colors Matter Anymore? by Robin Russell