Walkman icon

Denis GER - 5 cze 2009, o 17:25
How he made it that he can push the walkman icon at 4.17 i can't !
And how he maked that in the media menu is a walkman icon ?
pls help

THX for all answeres !

Jasior - 5 cze 2009, o 17:34
That's flash menu

Radion - 5 cze 2009, o 17:36
Nothing special he just make icon folder and put .png icons (as you can se there is no transparency) you can change icons in your phone to your own with the same size and hex nr.

Denis GER - 5 cze 2009, o 17:46
And how he make this with the walkman icon in the menu that the icon work ?
And are somewhere icons to download ?
Where I must put them ?

Radion - 5 cze 2009, o 18:49
To have walkman in menu you need special menu.ml, to put icons make folder "icons" in FS whit a2uploader there is a totorial on forum just search

Denis GER - 6 cze 2009, o 06:09
OK i search thx for all answeres
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • blanka24.keep.pl
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • abaddon.xlx.pl
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