Wgrywanie nie wchodzi

pabel - N sty 23, 2005 2:16 pm
oto logi:
Received start string...
Sending command string 1...
Sending command string 2...
Receiver "freeze"...
Sending firmware updating string...
The size of WRITE UNIT (The data size that will be written onto FlashPROM by
single FlashPROM write command) is 65536 BYTES (0x10000)
The size of DOWNLOAD UNIT (The data size that will be downloaded from host PC by
single 1284 read command ith CRC) is 65536 BYTES (0x10000)
Number of DOWNLOAD UNIT is 33, (Misc is 160 BYTES)
1284 port init OK

FlashPROM Init OK
Memory Alocation OK for FlashPROM with 131071 BYTES
Began to write onto 1284 Port

Receiver cannot continue download. Check cable connection and return receiver on...

WIN 98 SE , kable -ok. LPT - ECP i co jest nie tak

michas - N sty 23, 2005 4:05 pm
witaj kolego prawdopodobnie rozwiazanie problemu jest w moim poscie pod "tytulem ken 2 i desperacja " u mnie bylo podobnie.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • blanka24.keep.pl
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • abaddon.xlx.pl
  • | | | | >

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