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mira$ - So lis 10, 2007 4:35 pm " />WITAM SERDECZNIE ZASADY SIĘ NIE ZMIENIŁY WSZYSTKIE CENY DO NEGOCJACJI ORAZ PRZY WIĘKSZYCH ZAKUPACH BONUSY+KP GRATIS DLA STAŁYCH KLIENTÓW DODATKOWE BONUSIKI JEŻELI MNIE NIE ZNASZ I NIE MASZ ZAUFANIA DO MOJEJ OSOBY POPYTAJ LUDZI Z FORUM ZNAJĄ MNIE WSZYSCY BO HANDLUJĘ OD PARU DOBRYCH LAT LUB ZAJRZYJ NA ALLEGRO mirS_79 PONAD 1800 SAMYCH POZYTYWNYCH KOMENTARZY CO ŚWIADCZY ŻE INTERESY ZE MNĄ TO CZYSTA PRZYEJEMNOŚĆ-SPRAWDŻ MNIE... OCZYWIŚCIE WSZYSTKIE CENY DO NEGOCJACJI KONTAKT PRZEZ GG 7073078 LUB MAILA mirula79@yahoo.pl LUB NA PRIVA SERDECZNIE ZAPRASZAM JEŻELI KTOŚ CHCE SPRZEDAĆ JAKĄŚ KOLEKCJĘ/POJEDYNCZE KARTY/ALBUM Z KARTAMI/DECK ZE ZNIZKĄ NA MÓJ ZAROBEK ZAPRASZAM ZAWSZE MOŻEMY SIĘ DOGADAĆ WANT: 4xChill(BB) 1xtolarian academy 1xwheel of fortune(revised) 1xmana vault(revised) 3xornithopter(revised) 2xhelm of awakening 2xpyroblast(bb) 1xred elemental blast(revised) 4xcity of brass(8ed) 1xwindfall(najlepiej foil lub zwykle tez) 1xmemory jar(najlepiej foil lub zwykle tez) 1xtinker(najlepiej foil lub zwykle tez) 2xgenesis chamber(najlepiej foil lub zwykle tez) artifact landy tylko foil: 4xU,4xB,2xR 4xfrogmite(FOIL) 2xmyr enforcer(FOIL) 2xAvatar of Hope(1x8ED FOIL 1xPRE) 2xrainbow efreet 2xmirris guile 1xholistic wisdom 3xcity of solitiude 1xcandelabra of tawnos 1xTrade Routes(BB) 4xLion's Eye Diamond 1xRofellos, Llanowar Emissary 1xSteam Vents 4xElvish Spirit Guide 4xArgothian Enchantress 2xEngineered Explosives 2xsmokestack 1xAjani Goldmane 4xeureka 1xDeranged Hermit 4xOath of Druids 2xberserki 2xSavannah 4xplateau 4xbadlands 4xscrubland Nowele z M:tG Tytuly takie jak dodatki od Invasion po Lorwyn Były niegdys w fatpackach lub do kupienia luzem Oraz nowela "the thran" wydana wylacznie luzem Nowele z DragonLance: Czas Bliźniaków,Wojna Bliźniaków,Próba Bliźniaków,Drugie pokolenie,Smoki Upadłego Słońca,Smoki Zagubionej Gwiazdy,Smoki Zaginionego Księżyca,Kagonesti,Irdowie,Dargonesti,Kraina Minotaurów,Krasnoludy żlebowe,Ostrze Burzy,Szczęście Łasicy,Minotaur Kaz,Wrota Thorbardinu,Rycerz Galen,Kuźnia Dusz,Towarzysze Broni,Brygada Kanga,Brygada Śmierci,Drakońskie Metody,Magia Krynu,Bratnie Dusze,Gorączka Podróży,Świt Nowej Ery,Dzień Burzy,Zmierzch Chaosu,Mord w Tarsis HAVE:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ JESTEM CODZIENNIE OD 9-17 NA GG W PRACY WIĘC W TYCH GODZINACH NAJLEPIEJ DO MNIE PISZCIE LUB PO 21:D MAM NA SPRZEDAŻ CRAP JEST OKOŁO 400/500 R I KILKA TYS C I U JAK KTOŚ JEST ZAINTERSOWANY PISAĆ POLICZE DOKŁADNIE CENA DO UZGODNIENIA COŚ DLA KOLEKCJONERÓW: 2xDemonic Tutor(signed REV) 22 2xHelm of Obedience(signed) 5 1xHidden Retreat(signed) 3 1xUthden Troll(signed REV) 2 1xMahamoti Djinn(signed REV) 5 4xKnight of Stromgald(IA signed) 4 1xMartyrdom(signed) 2 1xKjeldoran Skyknight(signed IA) 2 1xArcitc Foxes(signed IA) 2 5xMountain(signed MM) 1 3xAether Flash(signed) 3 1xAngelic chorus(signed) 3 4xRootwater Thief(signed) 8 1xCorpse dance(signed) 7 1xLim-Dul's Cohort(signed Ia) 2 1xCampione Etereo(signed) 4 4xSpirit Link(signed) 2 1xSoldevi Adnate(signed) 2xWhirling Devish(signed) 2 3xforce of Nature(signed 2xREVISED 1x4ED) 4 2xSibilant Spirit(signed IA) 4 1xVolrath's Shapeshifter(signed) 4 1xEquilibrium(signed) 4 5xBalduvian horde(signed) 5 1xPower sink(signed IA) 2 4xBottle Gnomes(signed) 3 2xSimulacrum(signed UNL) 2xHecatomb(signed IA) 4 4xGloom(signed REV) 3 3xHammer of Bogardan(signed) 6 3xSerra Angel(2xsigned 4ED 1xsigned REVISED) 6 1xShard Phoenix(signed) 5 2xFevered Convulsions(signed) 2 1xhorn of greed(signed) 5 1xUrza's Bauble(signed IA) 2 2xTerror(fBB skosne signed) 4 LANDS: 3xUrzas Tron(różne edycje) 30 7xUrzas Tower(BB ANTIQUES) 7 5xUrzas Power Plant(BB ANTIQUES) 7 11xUrzas Mine(BB ANTIQUES) 7 1xPolluted Delta(FOIL) 200 1xFlooded Strand(FOIL) 150 4xBloodstained Mire(FOIL) 120 1xWooded Foothills(FOIL) 100 1xWindswept Heath(FOIL) 100 6xMutavault(FOIL) 60/120 2xBreeding Pool(1xFOIL) 30/50 3xBlood Crypt 22 6xWatery Grave(2xFOIL) 22/50 5xOvergrown Tomb(1xskosny) 20 2xSacred Foundry 20 3xTemple Garden 20 4xMishra Factory(fBB FRA) 25 1xCascade Bluffs 18 3xWanderwine Hub 7 2xMystic Gate 16 4xGraven Cairns 12 3xUrborg Tomb of Yawgmoth(1xskosny) 10 4xGrove of the Burnwillows 10 4xRiver of Tears 12 2xGilt-Leaf Palace 12 2xSecluted Glen 12 4xAunites hovel 12 3xNimbus Maze 10 4xGemstone Mine 8 4xTarnished Citadel 6 4xScrying Sheets 8 4xVesuva 6 2xStrip Mine(1X4ED 1xFBB) 6/8 3xFlagstones of Trokair 8 1xAncient Amphitheater 5 2xPrimal Beyond 5 3xPendelhaven(2xFOIL FNM) 5/8 1xAdarkar Wastes(7ED) 12 3xBrushland(7ED) 10 1xBattlefield Forge(10ED) 12 9xYavimaya Coast(4x9ED 4x10ED 1xFOIL 10ED) 12/13/40 6xCaves of Koilos(3x9ED 1x10ED 3xAP) 11/12 4xUndeground River(1xD 1x10ED 2xIA) 11/13/15 10xLlanowar Wastes(6xAP 2xskosne 4xFOIL AP ) 13/40 8xShivan Reef(3x9ED 1x10th 4xAP) 11/13 5xSulfurous Springs(4xD 1x6ED 1x9ED 2xIA 1xFOIL 9ED) 10/12/14/40 7xKarplusian Forest(3xD 1x9ED 2x10ED 3xIA) 12/13 2xAcademy Ruins 5 1xRustic Clachan 6 2xGemstone Caverns 4 4xForbideen Orchard 4 1xDesert(TS) 5 2xHowitooth Hollow 4 3xShelldock Isle 4 2xMosswort Bridge 4 1xSpinerock Knoll 4 1xShelldock Isle 4 1xTomb of Urami 4 2xTendo Ice Bridge 4 1xKher Keep 4 5xContested Cliffs(1xFOIL) 4/6 1xPetrified Field 5 2xShadowblood Ridge 3 4xSkycloud Expanse 3 2xBoseiju Who Shelters All 5 1xMikoro Center of the Sea 3 1xOboro Palace in the Cloud 3 1xMinamo School at Waters Edge 3 1xOkina Temple of the Grandfathers 3 1xShinka the Bloodsoaked Keep 3 1xShizo death's Storehouse 3 1xEiganjo Castle 3 2xSwarmyard 3 4xCephalid Coliseum 2 3xRifstone Portal 2 2xKrosan Verge 2 1xSpawning Pool(10ED) 2 2xArchaelogical Dig 2 3xSaltcrusted Steppe(1xFOIL) 1.5/2 2xCalciform Pools 1.5 2xDreadship Reef 1.5 2xMolten Slagheap 1.5 2xDryad Arbor 2 4xCrystal Vein 2 2xTolaria West 3 1xCentaur Garden 1 4xMouth of Ronom 2 2xSpawning pool(10ED) 2 6xNantuko Monastery(3xFOIL) 2/4 3xBlinkmoth Well 1.5 4xBarbarian Ring 2 5xFaerie Conclave(4xUL 1x10ED) 3 5xGhost Quarter(1xFOIL) 2/4 4xStalking Stones 1 4xTainted Field 2 2xUrzas Factory 1.5 4xGoblin Burrows(1xFOIL) 1.5/3 4xPlains(DCI 1/8 A06) 2.5 1xForest(5/8 A04) 2.5 3xIsland(2/8 A04) 2.5 3xIsland(2/8 A06) 2.5 3xForest(5/8 A06) 2.5 4xSwamp(3/8 A06) 2.5 2xSwamp(3/8 A04) 2.5 2xSwamp(UNHINGED) 4 1xSwamp(UNGLUED) 4 5xMountain(UNHINGED 1xFOIL) 4/12 6xForest(UNHINGED 5xFOIL) 4/12 1xIsland(UNHINGED 1xFOIL) 12 2xMountain(BETA) 4 4xBoreal Shelf 2 4xHighland Weald 2 4xCloudpost 1 3xVivid Creek 2 5xTerramorphic Expanse(1xFOIL) 1/3 1xTresserhorn Sinks 2 1xTree of Tales(FOIL) 4 1xAncient Den(FOIL) 4 1xGreat Furnace(FOIL) 4 4xLonely Sandbar(FOIL) 3 4xTranquil Thicket(FOIL) 3 4XBarren Moor(FOIL) 3 4xForgotten Cave(FOIL) 3 xxArtifact land 1 xxCycling land 0.5 xxBalancing Act land(;p) 0.5 xxBounce land(;p) 0.5 xxSnow Covered(10xPlains 18xIsland 15xSwamp 15xForest 9xMountain) 1 1xPlains Snow Covered(FOIL) 3 4xIsland(FOIL ARENA) 8 xxLAND FOIL US(2xMOUNTAIN 5xSWAMP 2xFOREST) 8 XXLAND FOIL ARENA IA(4xISLAND 4xFOREST) 8 ARTIFACTS: 7xArcbound Ravager(3xFOIL) 30/50 4xChrome Mox 30 1xSol Ring 20 1xCrucible of Worlds 15 3xChalice of the Void 10 5xTormods Crypt(4xWB 1xBB) 8 4xSundering Titan 8 4xMindslaver 8 1xSword of Light&Shadow 10 1xCoat of Arms(10ED) 7 1xMasticore 12 4xStatic Orb(7ED) 5 2xCoaltion Relic 6 4xLeering Emblem 5 4xSolemn Simulacrum(1xITA 1xGER) 7 2xMirari(2xTS 1xFOIL) 6/10 2xDraco(1xSKOSNY) 7 2xScroll Rack 7 2xZuran Orb 5 2xGoblin Charbelcher 5 2xWinter Orb(1xWB 1xFBB GER) 5/8 2xJesters Cap(1xWB 9ED) 6 4xNevinyrrals Disk 6 8xDefense Grid(4xWB 4xBB) 5/6 7xSpellweaver Helix(3xFOIL) 3/5 1xLegacy Weappon 5 4xTsabos Web 3 1xPhyrexian Processor 6 3xAnkh of Mishra 4 4xHorn of Greed 4 4xMillstone 4 1xEpochrasite 7 2xAltar of Dementia 6 1xBeast of Burden 1xIvory Tower(REVISED) 5 1xDisrupting Scepter(REVISED) 3 6xHowling Mine(3x4ED 2x10ED 1xFBB GER) 6/7 1xDoor Of Destinies(FOIL) 5 2xDuplicant 4 1xGrim Poppet 5 5xTriiskelion(1xFOIL) 4/8 3xTriskelavus 4 1xPentavus 3 5xDamping Matrix(1xFOIL) 3/5 3xTalisman of Progress 1 4xPrismatic Lens 1 4xWayfarers Bauble 0.5 4xBonespplitter 1 1xLibrary of leng(GER) 2 3xIcy Manipulator(2xIA 1xFOIL D) 2 4xScrabling Claws 1.5 2xMossfire Egg 1.5 1xDarkwater Egg 1.5 1xSkycloude Egg 1.5 4xShadowblood Egg 1.5 2xSpellbook 2 5xRelic Barier(4xITA LEG 1xFOIL) 3 8xBottle Gnomes(4xSIGNED) 2 4xGuardian Idol 1 6xJuggernaut(2xREVISED) 1/2 4xTerrarion 1 4xPentad Prism 1 4xSpringleaf Drum 1 4xDodecapod 2 8xWelding Jar(4xFOIL) 1/3 4xCranial Plating 2.5 4xArcbound Worker 1 4xMyr Enforcer 1 4xFrogmite(1xskosny) 1 4xMyr Enforcer 1 5xScale of Chiss Goria(2XFOIL) 1/3 4xChromatic Star 1 1xOrnithopter 3 8xChromatic Sphere(4xFOIL) 1/3 4xPyrite Spellbomb 1 2xPhyrexian Ironfoot 2 4xEtched Oracle 1 4xSerrated Arrows(TS) 2 1xObsidian Battle Axe 2 5xColdsteel Heart(1xFOIL) 2 3xCloack and Dager 2 2xLotus Petal 3 1xCathodion 2 3xClaws of Gix 1.5 4xSkullclamp 3 2xAether Vial 4 4xSun Droplet 2 2xMind Stone(1xWL 1x10ED) 3 4xSenseis Divinig Top 4 4xLoxodon Warchammer(MIR) 8 4xIsochron Scepter(1xSKOSNY) 7 1xAzorious Signet(FOIL) 2 xxRóżnych talizmanów(:d) 0.5 WHITE: 6xWrath of God(4x6ED 1x9ED GER 1x10ED 1xFoil TEXTLESS) 20/25/30 4xReveillark 12 1xArchon of Justice 10 2xIsamaru Hound of Konda(1xskosny 1xFRA) 12 2xMirror Entity(FOIL) 8 4xWorship(2xWB 2xBB) 8 5xSecond Sunrise(1xskosne 2xFOIL) 4/7 1xVoidstone Gargoyle 5 4xAngels Grace 5 1xHumility 7 4xFeudkillers Verdict 1xAkromas Vengeance 6 1xGreater Auramancy 5 2xAustere Command 6 1xOblation(FOIL) 6 1xAvatar of Hope(FOIL PRE) 7 1xGlory(FOIL PRE) 6 2xThoughtweft Trio(1xFOIL) 5/8 4xGlobal Ruin(2xFOIL) 4/6 4xIndomitable Ancients 4 4xSacred Mesa(TS) 5 4xLand Taxe(BB LEG ITA) 7 2xIvory Mask(1xMM 1x9ED) 5 2xPulse of the Fields 5 3xDevoted Caretaker 4 4xGalepowder Mage(1xFOIL) 4/7 3xAdarkar Valkyrie 8 1xYosei the Morning Star 6 4xMass Calcify 5 1xFeundkillers Verdict 5 2xSerra Angel(FOIL 9ED) 10 8xBalancing Act(4xSKOSNE) 4/5 2xRout 5 4cGhostway 5 4xIdylic Tutor 5 1xBeacon of Immortality 4 1xWindborn Muse(SKOSNE LEG) 4 1xCrovax Ascendant Hero 4 4xSpectral Lynx(2xskosny) 4 4xMystic Crusader 4 3xTrue Beliver(2xONS 1x10ED) 5 4xSacred Ground(1x7th 3xBB) 5 1xShining Shoal 5 3xPorphyry Nodes 4 1xMorningtide 5 1xAkroma's Vengance 5 2xSerenity(BB) 5 4xEnduring Renewal 5 1xTivadar of Thorn 5 4xResurrection 3 3xMobilization(2x10ED 1xONS) 5 6xStory Circle(4xMM 2x10ED) 4 7xIcatian Javelineers(4xDCI) 1/2 4xKnight of the Holy Nimbus 1.5 6xCalciderm(2xFOIL DCI) 2/3 4xSoul Warden 2 4xCelestial Crusader 1 4xOpal Guardian 3 3xRiftmarked Knight 1 3xAmrou Scout 0.5 4xAven Mindcensor 2 4xFaith's Fetters 0.5 4xFortify 0.5 4xSuntail Hawk(BB) 0.5 4xDaru Spiritualist 1 2xTreasure Hunter 1 1xAura of Silence(10ED) 2 3xSilver Knight(1xFOIL FNM) 2/4 3xWhite Knight(1x4ED 1xLEG 1xFOIL DCI) 3/5 1xWhite Shield Crusader 2 7xWing Shards(3xFOIL) 1/3 9xDisenchant (1xMM 3xTS 4xTEXTLESS) 1/4 4xReciprocate(2xTEXTLESS) 1/3 4xRay of Revalation 1 1xRay of Distortion 0.5 4xRenewed Faith 1 4xSteelshapers Gift 1.5 5xAstral Slide(1xFOIL) 1/3 4xGilded Light 1 3xKarma 1 4xDevouring Light 1 3xPurge 1 4xSuppresion Field 1 4xGoldmeadow Harrier 1 4xCrib Swap 1.5 4xMartyr of Sands 1 4xGoldmeadow Stalwart 1.5 4xCenns Heir 1 4xGoldmeadow Harrier 1 4xKinsbaile Skirmisher 1 4xMomentary Blink 1 1xAncestors Chosen 2 4xKami of Ancient Law(2xFOIL) 1/2 5xMana Tithe(1xFOIL) 1/2 2xAncestors Chosen 1.5 4xRonom Unicorn 1 2xPull of Eternity 1 4xBallyrush Banneret 1 7xMana Tithe(1xFOIL 2xTextless)) 1/2/4 5xCondemn(1xskosny 1xTEXTLESS) 2/3 4xAven Riftwatcher 1 2xPrison Term 2 2xSeal of Cleansing 1 1xSpectral Procession 2 2xWorthy Cause 1 4xJotun Grunt 3 2xWizened Cenn 2 4xGoldmeadow Stalwart 2 4xKnight of Meadowgrain 2 3xCenns Tactician(FOIL DCI) 3 2xAura of Silence(10ED) 3 2xTOKEN PEGASUS(UNGLUED) 2 2xCircle of Protection Red(FOIL FNM) 5 2xReturn to Dust(FOIL) 3 RED: 4xGoblin Piledriver(FOIL) 50 1xBall Lightning(FOIL DCI) 25 2xGoblin Sharpshooter(FOIL) 20 1xBogardan Hellkite(FOIL) 20 7xBurning Wish(3xFOIL) 10/30 5xSiege Gang Commander(4xFOIL SCOURGE) 10/20 1xGoblin King(FOIL 8ED) 12 2xGoblin Goon(FOIL) 10 5xGrim Lavamancer(1xFOIL 1xFOIL SKOSNY) 15/30 2xAkroma Angel of Fury 10 4xCountryside Crusher 12 1xChandra Nalaar 10 2xDragonstorm 7 4xGreater Gargadon 8 4xFiery bombardment 4 1xRekinled Flame 6 4xJaya Ballard Task Mage 6 2xKnollspine Invocation 5 3xKnollspine Dragon 5 2xCragganwick Cremator 5 4xChar(1xFOIL) 7/12 2xMagus of the Scroll(1xFOIL) 6/10 3xLightning Bolt 6 4xBoom&Bust 5 3xStarstorm 4 1xVolcano Helion(FOIL) 6 1xGoblin Pyromancer 5 1xFurnace of Rath(10ED) 6 2xForm of the Dragon(1xSKOSNE) 5 3xIncendiary Command 6 1xRage Reflection(FOIL) 8 1xDemonfire 7 4xTitans Revenge 5 4xBoldvyr Heavyweights 5 1xBoldwyr Heavyr Heavyweights 6 1xShared Animosity 5 4xVengeful Firebrand 5 1xBeacon of Destruction 5 1xLightning Crafter 6 3xGoblin Goon(2xskosny) 5 4xGoblin King(1x6ED 1x7ED 1x8ED 1x10ED) 7 2xClickslither 4 3xDevastating Dreams 4 3xIncandescent Soulstoke 5 4xArc Slogger(1xFOIL GER) 3/4 7xMogg Sentry(3x8ED 3xBB) 3 2xWheel of Fate(1xFOIL) 5/7 4xThoughts of Ruin 4 4xFirestorm 5 1xRukh Egg(FOIL PRE) 6 1xWarmonger(FOIL MM DCI) 8 1xIb Halfheart Goblin Tactician 3 1xKiki Jiki Mirror Breaker 4 3xFledgling Dragon 6 1xHostility 5 1xPetradon 5 2xGhitu Fire 4 4xShivan Wumpus 4 1xFurnace of Rath(BB) 5 2xWord of Seizing(1xFOIL) 4/6 1xPulse of the Forge 4 4xSkizzik(1xSkosny) 5 1xAshlings Prerogative 4 4xObliterate(BB 2xSKOSNE) 5 1xDesolation Giant 4 1xBlood Oath 4 7xWildfire(2x7ED 4xUS 1xFOIL 9ED) 5/7/8 4xTrash for Treasure 3 2xUrzas Rage 5 2xArc Slogger 4 1XHammer of Bogardan(6ED) 5 1xFatal Frenzy 5 4xDetrivora 5 1xHeat Shimmer 5 2xStarstorm 4 2xFlamebreak 4 4xGranulate 3 1xFlamebreak(FOIL) 5 1xMagnivore 5 4xGoblin Cadets 1.5 5xGoblin Recruiter(4xWB 1xBB) 3 5xGoblin Warchief(1xGER 4xFOIL) 4/8 4xGoblin Matron(US) 2 8xGoblin Incinerator(4xFOIL) 2/4 8xSkirk Prospector(4xFOIL) 1/3 2xGoblin Tinkerer 2 4xThick Skinned Goblin 1.5 4xSparksmith(FOIL) 2 11xFlametongue Kavu(3xFOIL FNM 4xFOIL PL) 2/4 4xRed Elemental Blast 3 4xBrute Force 1 3xAether Membrane(1xFOIL) 1/2 8xSeal of Fire(4xFOIL) 1/3 4xElectrostatic Bolt 1 8xFirebolt(4xFOIL FNM) 1/4 3xWildfire Emisary 2 1xBoiling Seas(portal) 3 4xGoblin Grenade 4 8xFiery Temper(4xFOIL DCI) 1/2 5xSudden Shock(1xFOIL) 2/4 4xGoblin Vandal 1 4xGoblin Sledder 1 2xGoblin Lookout 1 1xEmpty the Warrens 1 4xStone Rain 1 4xSowing Salt(1xFOIL UD) 2/3 8xVolcanic Hammer(4xSIGNED 3xP2) 1/2 2xFlashfires 2 6xErratic Explosion(2xFOIL) 1/2 4xLightning Rift 1 4xGrapeshot 1 4xFlamekin Bladewhirl 2 4xFlamekin Harbinger 2 2xGoblin Lore 2 1xBoil 2 2xBoggart Shenanigans 2 4xAncient Grudge 1 4xAnger 2 4xLava Dart 1 4xSparksmith 1 5xOverload(1xFOIL) 1/2 2xRecoup 2 4xDesintegrate(TS) 2 4xPillage(BB) 2.5 4xScorched Rusalka(1xskosna 1xFOIL) 1/2 7xTin Street Hooligan(2xskosne 1xFOIL) 1/2 5xDwarven Blastminer(1xFOIL) 2/4 4xReckless Wurm 2 2xDemolish(2xFOIL 1x8ED 1x9ED) 2 4xPyrostaic Pillar 2 4xSeething Song(BB) 1.5 4xAncient Grudge 1 1xMeltdown 2 2xAnarchy(IA) 3 4xNeedle Drop 1 3xBrighthearth Banneret 1 4xGathan Raider 1 4xSpark Elemental 1.5 4xFlaring Pain 1 4xTribal flames 1 1xSlinking Giant 2 1xMeltdown 2 2xRack and Ruin 2 4xSlice and Dice 1 1xCrimson Wisps(FOIL) 2 4xMogg War Marshal 1 4xSulfurous Blast 2.5 11xIncinirate(4x10ED 4xsigned MIR 1xIA 1xFOIL D 1xTextless) 3/5/6 4xFlame Javelin 4 4xAtog 2 4xTarifire 1 12xKird Apre (4xREVISED 4xfbb 4x9ED RUS) 5/8 2xCryoclasm 3 4xMolten Rain 1 4xEmpty the Warrens 1 2xRite of flame 2 4xShard Volley 1 4xSkred 1 4xThreaten 2 4xSimian Spirit Guide 1 2xEchoing Ruin(FOIL) 2 1xPyroblast(IA) 3 4xUnwilling Recruit 2 4xFireball(2xfBB FRA) 1/3 5xPyroclasm(1x7ED 2x8ED 2xTEXTLESS) 4/6 6xShrapnel Blast(1xskosny 1xFOIL) 3/6 1xMogg Fanatic(FOIL DCI) 6 1xShaterstorm(10ED) 3 4xRift Bolt 1 5xShatering Spree(2xFOIL) 3/5 8xTOKEN(2xGOBLIN UNGLUED 6xLEG) 3 BLUE: 5xGift Ungiven(3FOIL) 15/30 3xCounterspell(2xFOIL FNM 1xARENA) 20/25 1xMisdirection 12 2xSower of Temptation 15 2xVenser Shaper Savant 15 4xPact of Negation 12 4xScion of Oona(1xFOIL) 10/18 4xCunning Wish 10 1xGrimoire Thief 7 4xMeloku the Clouded Mirror(2xFOIL) 8/15 2xRiver Kelpie(1xFOIL) 5/8 1xSavor the Moment 7 1xTwincast 8 3xLord of Atlantis(3x7ED 1xFOIL) 7/12 2xGlen Elendra Archmage 7 4xPsionic Blast(TEXTLESS) 8 2xChronatog 5 2xCommander 5 4xGlameryde 4 2xDraining Whelk 4 4xInundate 4 4xMind Spring 5 1xWake Thrasher 5 3xBody Double 6 4xTradewind Rider(1xSKOSNY) 6 4xForce Spike(ENG LEGENDS) 6 2xTraumatize(1x9ED 1x10ED) 10 1xDeclaration of Naught 6 4xTake Possession 5 1xKeiga the Tide Star 6 1xVexing Sphinx 5 3xBroodstar 5 1xRising Waters(FOIL) 6 1xOvertaker(FOIL PRE) 6 3xAeon Chronicler(1xFOIL) 5/8 4xMana Short 5 1xGuile 5 1xKira Great Glass Spinner 5 1xVoidmage Prodigy(TS) 4 1xPucas Mischief 5 1xKnacksaw Clique 5 4xDisrupting Shoal 5 2xForced Fruition 3 1xEnergy Field 3 4xCollective Restraint 4 2xUpheaval 5 4xEvacuation 4 1xAmbasador Laquatus(10ED) 5 3xOpposition(WB) 6 4xBack to Basic 6 5xQuicken(1xFOIL) 4/6 4xTeferis Response 5 2xMana Severance 5 2xDivert 4 3xDream Lash 4 4xFact or Fiction 4 13xCounterspell(4xWB 4xBB 1xFBB 4ED 4xIA) 1/2/4/5 4xTurnabout 1.5 4xHibernation 2 5xCircular Logic(1xFOIL) 3/6 2xFrantic Search 1 1xWindfall 3 4xMerchant Scroll(BB) 3 2xBlue Elemental Blast 3 2xHydroblast(1xSKOSNY) 3 4xImpulse 1.5 2xRebuild 2 4xArcane Laboratory 2 3xEnergy flux 2 5xSilvergill Adept(1xFOIL) 2/3 1xMerrow Reejerey 3 4xMerfolk Looter 1 4xThought Courier 1 8xRepulse(4xFOIL) 1/3 2xAquamoeba(FOIL) 3 2xDeep Analysis(FOIL) 3 1xOpt(FOIL) 2 2xMental Note(FOIL) 2 4xOphidian 4xCancel 1 8xAquamoeba(4xFOIL) 1/2 2xBonded Fetch 2 4xTelling Time 2 4xDeep Analysis 1 5xFathom Seer(1xFOIL) 1/2 4xCompulsive Research 1 4xMystical Teachings 1 4xDaze 1.5 4xCloud of Faeries 1 4xWonder(1xSKOSNY 2xFOIL) 2/5 6xWillbender(1xFOIL 2xFOIL FNM) 2/3 4xBrine Elemental 1 4xCareful Consideration 2 11xMemory Laps(4xHOMELANDS 4xMIR 1xFOIL 6ED 2xFOIL 7ED) 1.5/6 4xCondescend 1 2xDelay 3 1xHydroblast 3 4xArcane Denial 1.5 3xWipe Away 1 10xMana Leak(4xWB 4xBB 2xFOIL 9ED) 2/6 2xCourt Hussar 2 3xMuddle the Mixture 1 3xEnergy Flux 2 4xSpell Burst(1xFOIL) 2/3 4xRiftwing Cloudskate 1 4xThink Twice 1 4xTolarian Winds(3xUS) 1 4xAccumulated Knowledge 1.5 4xHinder(TEXTLESS) 3 4xReapeal 1 4xAnnex 1.5 2xPredict 2 4xPiracy Charm 1 4xFaerie Trickery 1 1xPersuasion(10ED) 2 4xIdeas Unbound 1 4xThoughtcast(1xSKOSNE) 1 4xSomber Hoverguard 1 4xArcane Laboratory 2 4xTrinket Mage 1 4xThirst for Knowledge 3 1xMystical Tutor(WB) 3 4xCephalid Sage(2xFOIL) 3/5 4xPestermite 1 4xEchoimg Truth 1 4xMental Note 1 4xSerum Vision 1 1xCuriosity 2 1xGush 2 2xBrain Freeze 2 4xSleight of Hand 1 4xCareful Study 1 4xNarcomoeba 2 4xBreaktrough 3 4xAdvice from the Fae 2 4xSpellstutter Sprite 1 4xPestermite 1 2XForce Spike(FOIL 7ED) 8 2xBoomerang(LEG) 2 4xMana Leak(TEXTLESS) 5 4xMuldrifter 1 3xRune Snag 3 3xBonded Fetch 2 2xCounterbalance 4 3xMerrow Reejerey 3 4xStandstill 4 8xBrainstorm(4xWB 4xIA) 1/2 3xThoughcast(FOIL) 3 4xPonder 1 4xBroken Ambition 1 4xRemand 3.5 BLACK: 4xThoughtseize 30 4xDamnation(1xFOIL TEXTLESS) 30/35 2xYawgmots Will 22 4xLeyline of the Void 10 2xTombstalker 10 1xLiliana Vess 10 1xKOrlash Heir to Blade(FOIL PRE) 10 1xGrave Pact(8ED) 8 4xCabal Therapy 7 1xHaunting Echoes(FOIL) 20 4xSlaughter Pact 12 1xSudden Spoiling(FOIL) 10 4xCranial Extraction(2xFOIL) 12/20 2xLiving Death(1xFOIL DCI) 6/15 1xLaquatous Champion(FOIL PRE) 6 2xNeedle Specter 6 1xMad Auntie 6 4xPolluted Bonds 5 4xWeirding Shaman 5 4xIchorid 7 2xMutilate 8 1xMind Shatter 7 2xDeath Cloud 5 2xDark Uchins 5 1xMidnight Banshee 7 5xSmother(2xFOIL FNM 3xFOIL 1xskosny) 10 2xBridge from Below 8 2xCabal Therapy(FOIL FNM) 20 1xPuppeteer Clique 7 4xOonas Prowler 8 4xMaralen of the Mornsong 5 1xStenchskipper 4 3xPatriarchs Bidding(1xFOIL) 7/12 1xShimian Specter 6 2xDo or Die 4 2xSpoils of the Vault 4 1xPlunge into Darkness 3 1XDiabolic Intent 4 2xTainted Pact 4 1xNettlevine Blight(FOIL) 6 2xBad Moon(BB skosne) 8 1xInk Eyes Servant of Oni(FOIL PRE) 6 3xNight of Souls Betrayal 4 1xSilent Specter(FOIL PRE) 6 1xPlague of Vermin 4 4xGraveborn Muse(1x10ED) 5 1xPhyrexian Negator 8 3xHypnotic Specter(1xsłaby stan 5ED 1x10ED 1xFOIL DCI) 6/10/15 3xPersecute(1x8ED 2x9ED) 7 2xUnderworld Dreams(1x8ED 1xFOIL DCI) 4/8 1xSoul Collector(FOIL PRE) 6 1xRathi Assassin(FOIL PRE SIGNED) 10 3xNecropotence(FOIL D) 7 1xTainted aether(FOIL 7ED) 7 1xStrand of Night(FOIL &ED) 4 4xBlack Knight(1xBETA 2xBETA SIGNED 1xfBB) 8 1xCorpse Dance 5 4xInsidious Dreams 5 2xPhyrexian Arena(BB) 8 1xYawgmoths Bargain 5 4xDesolation Angel 5 3xGoryos Vengense 4 1xNull Profusion(FOIL) 6 1xPhyrexian Arena(9th) 7 4xDystopia 5 2xSins of the Past(1xRUS) 4 4xBraids Cabal Minion 5 2xSpoils of the Vault 3 4xDecree of Pain(skosne) 4 1xNihilit(FOIL) 7 2xBringer of the Black Dawn(1xFOIL) 4/8 2xSeize the Soul 3 1xBoggart Mob 5 1ximps mischief 5 4xZombie Infestation(FOIL) 5 4xCoffin Purge(FOIL) 2 2xMind Sludge(WB) 1.5 4xSmallpox 2 4xNightscape Familiar 1 7xWithered Wretch(3xFOIL FNM) 2/5 1xTwilight Call 3 1xMephidross Vmpire 4 1xSkeletal Vampire 4 4xSmother 3 4xInfest 1 4xHand of Cruelty 1.5 3xSlay 1 1xFilth 1 4xHideous Laughter(1xFOIL) 1/3 1xFaceless Butcher(FOIL) 3 4xTendrils of Corruption 1 4xRavenous Rats 1 2xSickening Dreams 2 2xPerish(BB) 3 4xBarter in Blood 1 4xInnocent Blood 1 2xSudden Death 3 4xRancind Earth 1 1xMind Sludge 2 2xHaunting Hymn 2 2xSkeletal Scrying 2 4xPutrid Imp 1 2xBuried Alive 2 9xStinkweed Imp(4xSKOSNE 1xFOIL) 1/1.5/3 3xGolgari Thug 2 7xZombify(3xTEXTLESS) 1.5/3 4xSongs of the Damned 1 2xContagion 3 2xPlanar Void 3 3xDauthi Slayer 1 4xLast Gasp(1xFOIL) 1/2 1xMidnight Charm(FOIL) 2 4xTerror(4xWB) 1 1xDemonic Consultation 2 4xEyeblights Ending 1 4xPlagued Rusalka(1xskosne) 1 4xDarkblast(2xSKOSNE) 2 7xGhastly Demise(4xFOIL) 1/2 4xDisciple of the Vault 1 7xYixlid Jailer(3xFOIL DCI) 2/4 4xFrogtosser Banneret 1 1xHoarders Greed 3 5xGrim Harvest(1xFOIL) 1/3 4xStreet Wraith 2 2xRite of Consumption 1 4xDark Ritual(każdy inny) 3 1xRelentless Rats(10ED) 2 4xPeppersmoke 1 1xOonas Blackguard 2 4xEngineered Plague(BB 2xSŁABY STAN 1xFOIL) 2/4/10 3xDeathmark 3 4xDread Return 2 4xFrogtosser Banneret 1 4xFacevaulter 1 2xSkeletal Scrying 2 1xRavenous Rats(FOIL) 2 1xShadow Guildmage 1 4xDash Hope 1 4xShriekmaw 3 4xIncremental Blight 2 4xTerror(10ED) 1 4xNameless Inversion 1 3xTendrils of Agony(FOIL FNM) 5 1xSoul Snuffers(FOIL) 3 1xCorrupt(TEXTLESS) 4 GREEN: 4xTarmogoyf 70 6xTroll Ascetic(4xFOIL MIR) 15/25 2xSurvival of the fittest 20 3xLiving Wish(FOIL) 25 1xTalaras Battalion 10 14xBirds of Paradise(1x3ED 1x5ED 4x6ED 3x7ED 3x8ED 1xFBB) 20/35 10xCall of the Herd(2xFOIL GP 4xFOIL OD) 10/15/20 3xWrens Run Packamster(2xFOIL PRE) 5/7 4xPrimal Command 7 4xChord of Calling 6 5xSquall Line(1xFOIL) 6/8 4xTerravore 7 1xRofellos Llanowar Emissary 12 5xEternal Witness(1xFOIL FNM) 7/12 7xRavenous Baloth(3xFOIL) 8/15 5xLife From the Loam(2xFOIL) 7/10 1xVerdant Force(10ED) 7 1xElvish Piper(10ED) 5 1xSeedborn Muse(10ED) 5 1xWitherscale Wurm 5 2xRude Awakening 5 3xGaeas Anthem 7 4xRegal Force 4 4xElvish Archer 4 4xReach o f Branches 4 2xMasked Admirers 6 1xPrismatic Omen 5 1xreach of Branches 5 1xDramatic Entrance 5 1xRhys the Exiled 4 1xEyes of the Wisent 7 2xRegrowth(1x3ED 1xfBB FRA) 6/8 7xGreater Good(3x9ED 1x9ED SKOSNY 3xBB) 5 4xgenesis(2xFOIL) 6/12 1xJoiner Adept(10ED) 6 1xSeedtime 4 1xManabond 4 1xVigor 5 1XRude Awakening 4 3xGround Seal 4 4xXantid Swarm 4 2xVinelasher Kudzu 5 1xTempting Wurm(FOIL) 6 4xVine Dryad 5 2xHidden Gibbons 4 1xHidden Herd 3 2xPulse of the Tangle 3 4xSylvan Library(2xfBB) 5/7 1xAll Suns Dawn 4 4xVerduran Enchantress 4 1xLeyline of Lifeforce 4 5xQuirion Dryad(1x10ED) 6 2xMiri cat Warrior(1xBB 1x10ED) 6 1xSpectral Force 5 2xKodama of the North Tree 5 6xGolgari Grave Troll(1xskosny) 5 3xAllosaurus Rider(1xFOIL NO PRE) 4/5 1xGround Seal 4 4xFood Chain 6 1xPattern of Rebirth 4 1xMuraganda Petroglyphs 4 2xBiorythm(1xRUS 9th) 4 4xWerebear 1 4xLoaming Shaman 4 3xThelonite Hermit 5 1xHeartwood Storyteller 4 1xRites of Flourishing 4 3xKrosan Reclamation(1xFOIL) 1/3 4xGhazban Ogre 1 4xNimble Mongoose 2 4xCompost 2 4xWild Dogs 1 1xHarmonic Convergence 2 4xQuirion Ranger 1.5 4xRogue Elephant 1.5 4xGhazban Ogre(AN) 2.5 4xLand Grant 1 3xBount of the Hunt 2 8xCivic Wayfinder(4xskosne) 1/1.5 13xLlanowar Elves(4xWB 3xFBB 2xBETA 4xFOIL DCI) 1.5/7/10 4xSilhana Ledgewalker 1 3xThornscape Battlemage 1 6xRiver Boa(2xWB 4xBB) 2 5xMire Boa(1xFOIL) 1/2 2xTangle 2 2xElephant Guide 1 6xDryad Sophisticate(2xFOIL) 1/3 4xCrop Rotation 1 2xSpike Feeder 1 1xRecollect(TEXTLESS) 3 4xArrogant Wurm 2 8xWild Mongrel(4xFOIL) 1/3 8xBasking Rootwala(4xFOIL) 1/3 4xMight of Old Krosa 2 8xGiant growth(1xFOIL 8ED 4xtextless) 1/3 4xGreenseeker 1 6xMoldervine Cloak(2xFOIL) 1.5/3 4xWild Dogs 0.5 6xRoar of the Wurm(2xFOIL) 2/4 5xWood Elves(1xFOIL DCI) 1/3 4xKavu Predator 1.5 7xElves of Deep Shadow(1xFOIL FNM 2xFOIL RAV) 1/2 5xFecundity(2xWB 3xBB) 2 4xCarven Caryatid 1 4xPrimal Forcemage 1 4xFertile Ground(1xFOIL) 1/2 1xTinder Wall 2 4xWall of Blossoms 2 4xVine Trellis 1 2xChannel the Suns 2 8xOxidize(1xTextless 4xFOIL) 1/3 4xGaeas Blessing 2 7xPhantom Centaur(3xFOIL 1XSKOSNY) 2/4 4xEdge of Autumn 1 4xFertile Ground 1 4xRiftsweeper 2 1xDrove of Elves 3 1xTower Above 3 4xGleeful Sabotage 1 12xSakura Tribe Elder(4xFOIL CoK 4xFOIL JSS) 1/3/4 4xMoment Peace 1 2xElephant Ambush(2xFOIL 1xskosny) 2 4xBoreal Druid 1 2xHarmonize 3 4xKrosan Grip 2 4xScryb Ranger 2 4xInto the North(1xFOIL) 1/3 4xWall of Roots(MIRAGE) 2.5 4xNaturalize(3xFOIL ONS 1xFOIL 8ED) 4 2xViridian Shaman(FOIL) 2 4xWrens Run Vanquisher 3 4xWolf Skull Shaman 2 3xUktabi Orangutan(FOIL) 6 1xElvish Lyrist(FOIL DCI) 6 1xWild Nacatl 1 3xWrens Run Vanquisher 3 2xImperious Perfect 3 2xHeritage Druid 2 4xGilt Leaf Ambush 1 MULTI: 4xGaddock Teeg 12 3xPernicious Deed 15 1xMeddling Mage 15 1xDoran the Siege Tower 15 4xDemigod of Revenge(FOIL PRE) 15 2xBoartusk Liege 10 2xDivinity of Pride 8 1xSapling of Colfenor 10 1xDeathbringer Liege 7 1xBalefire Liege 7 3xShadowmage Infiltrator 8 1xHeartmender 8 1xGliiering Wish 7 1xSwans of Bryn Argoll 8 2xSygg River Cutthroat 8 2xGodhead of Awe 8 3xWheel of sun and Moon(1xFOIL) 6/10 4xMemory Plunder 5 4xCemetery Puca 4 1xRosheen Meanderer 5 4xTyrannize 4 1xSygg River Guide 6 1xSpiteful Visions 4 4xWilt Leaf Cavaliers 2.5 4xBoggart Ram Gang(1xFOIL) 3/5 2xMurderous Redcap 3 4xAshenmoor Gouger 3 4xSnake Form 1 2xInkfathom Infiltrator 2.5 1xFossil Find 2 1xShield of the oversoul(FOIL) 3 1xPlumeveil(FOIL) 5 1xGravelgill Duo(FOIL) 2 4xWort the Raidmother 7 1xNiv Mizzet the Firemind 7 4xAethermages Touch 5 4xMystic Snake 6 3xGiant Solifuge 7 1xBurning Tre Shaman 5 1xAngel of Despair 6 5xRumbling Slum(1xSkosny) 5 2xWort Boggart Auntie 7 4xMystic Enforcer 6 2xNath of the Gilt Leaf 5 1xSpiritmonger(1xFOIL GP) 10 3xAbsorb 7 2xMiraris Wake 6 1xRumbling Slum 5 2xAnurid Brushhopper(1xFOIL) 6/8 4xLightning Angel 6 4xGlare of Subdual 5 2xGhost Council of Orzhova 5 4xDestructive Flow 6 4xshadow of doubt 5 1xQuesting Phelddagrif(FOIL PRE) 6 1xKavu Furens(FOIL PRE) 6 1xDjinn Illuminatus(FOIL PRE) 6 2xGleancrawler(FOIL PRE) 6 1xOros the Avenger(FOIL PRE) 6 3xGrand Arbiter Augustin IV 5 2xDovescape 4 1xCromat 4 3xSearing Meditation 4 1xDeath Grasp 4 1xInvoke the Firemind 5 2xHunting Grounds 4 1xTeneb the Harvester 4 1xNumot the Devastator 4 1xRadha Heir o Keld 5 3xShadow of Doubt(1xFOIL) 5/10 1xDralnu Lich Lord 4 1xTamanoa 5 4xEladamris Call(1xSKOSNE) 4 1xGenju of the Realm 4 4xFires of Yavimaya(1xSkosne) 2 2xVoidslime 5 4xSaffi Eriksdotter 5 2xGrave Shell Scarab 3 5xArtifact Mutation(1xskosne 1xFOIL) 3/5 12xPutrefy(3xTEXTLESS 4xFOIL) 2/4/5 8xMortify(4xTEXTLESS) 2/4 5xElectrolyze(2xTEXTLESS) 2/3 3xVoid 5 4xDralnus Crusade(FOIL) 4/6 1xHide&Seek 4 1xRain of Gore(FOIL) 5 4xFiremane Angel 5 7xPsychatog(2xFOIL DCI) 3/6 2xLife&Death 2 4xAura Shards 2 4xArmadillo Cloak 1 3xFlame Kin Zealot(1xFOIL) 1.5/3 6xCastigate(1xFOIL 1xFOIL FNM) 1/2 5xBoros Swiftblade(1xFOIL SKOSNY) 1/3 4xHull Breach(1xFOIL) 1/2 4xWreak Havoc 1 2xSky Hussar 1 3xGalima's Knight 1 4xGerrards Verdict 2 6xGoblin Legionaire(1xFOIL 1xFOIL FNM) 1/3 4xWax&Wane 1 11xFire&ice(4xSIGNED 3xSKOSNE) 2.5 4xRecoil 1 1xSkygnight Legionare(FOIL DCI) 2 1xReknit 2 3xPoison the Well 1 4xManaforge Cinder 1 1xWasp Lancer 2 1xSterling Grove 2 5xWatch Wolf(1xFOIL) 2/4 6xTerminate(2xFOIL) 1/4 3xWee Dragonauts(FOIL ARENA) 2 4xLightning Helix(TEXTLESS) 6 4xManamorphose 1 OCZYWIŚCIE POSIADAM TEŻ INNE KARTY JEŚLI KTOŚ ZBIERA JAKIEŚ SETY ZWYKŁE LUB FOIL ZAPRASZAM MOŻE BĘDE MIAŁ POZDRAWIAM :spoko: mira$ - N lis 11, 2007 2:22 pm " />UP mira$ - Pt lis 16, 2007 11:58 am " />up mira$ - Wt lis 20, 2007 12:50 pm " />UP mira$ - Pt lis 23, 2007 12:52 pm " />up mira$ - Pn lis 26, 2007 10:33 am " />up mira$ - Cz gru 06, 2007 12:03 pm " />UP mira$ - N gru 09, 2007 3:18 pm " />up mira$ - Pn gru 17, 2007 6:23 pm " />up mira$ - Śr gru 19, 2007 4:41 pm " />up mira$ - N sty 06, 2008 5:41 pm " />up Terk - Wt sty 08, 2008 4:56 pm " />Poszło na GG. mira$ - Pt sty 11, 2008 6:29 am " />up mira$ - So sty 19, 2008 4:49 pm " />UP mira$ - N sty 27, 2008 1:48 pm " />up mira$ - Pn lut 11, 2008 12:31 am " />mega up mira$ - N lut 17, 2008 1:33 pm " />up mira$ - Cz lut 28, 2008 8:13 am " />up mira$ - Cz mar 06, 2008 11:06 am " />UPIK mira$ - Śr mar 12, 2008 9:18 am " />UP mira$ - So mar 22, 2008 3:32 pm " />ŚWIĘTECZNY UP WESOŁYCH ŚWIĄT DLA WSZYSTKICH... mira$ - N mar 30, 2008 9:47 pm " />up mira$ - Cz kwi 03, 2008 7:07 pm " />mega up:) mira$ - Wt kwi 08, 2008 9:05 pm " />up mira$ - So kwi 19, 2008 3:56 pm " />UP mira$ - N kwi 27, 2008 2:07 pm " />UP mira$ - Śr maja 07, 2008 6:42 am " />UP mira$ - Cz maja 08, 2008 10:48 am " />UP mira$ - So maja 10, 2008 9:48 am " />upupuppppppppppppppppppppppppp mira$ - Śr maja 14, 2008 1:00 pm " />up mira$ - Wt maja 20, 2008 10:36 am " />MEGA UPPPPPPPP mira$ - Pn maja 26, 2008 4:31 pm " />UP mira$ - Śr maja 28, 2008 7:52 am " />up mira$ - Pn cze 02, 2008 12:17 pm " />up mira$ - Cz cze 05, 2008 8:27 am " />upik mira$ - Pt cze 13, 2008 10:48 am " />up mira$ - Śr cze 18, 2008 11:27 am " />up mira$ - Wt cze 24, 2008 8:22 am " />UP mira$ - Pt cze 27, 2008 9:44 am " />UP mira$ - So cze 28, 2008 12:42 pm " />up mira$ - Śr lip 02, 2008 10:54 am " />up mira$ - Pn lip 07, 2008 1:02 pm " />UP mira$ - Śr lip 09, 2008 11:50 am " />UP mira$ - Pt lip 11, 2008 8:09 am " />uppppppppppppppppppppppp mira$ - Pn lip 14, 2008 1:21 pm " />up mira$ - Śr lip 23, 2008 7:40 am " />up mira$ - Pn lip 28, 2008 10:25 pm " />UP mira$ - Wt sie 05, 2008 6:53 am " />up mira$ - Cz sie 07, 2008 3:13 pm " />WAKACYJNY UP Dol - Śr sie 27, 2008 11:44 am " />poszedl priv mira$ - Śr wrz 03, 2008 5:59 pm " />upppppppppppppppppppp mira$ - Wt wrz 16, 2008 7:33 am " />UP Tracon - Wt wrz 16, 2008 12:32 pm " />4xPhyrexian Dreadnought - po 85zl (340zl) 3xGrindstone - po 65zl (SP), po 80zl (NM) 4xChill(BB) - po 6,5zl 1xtolarian academy - 35zl 1xwheel of fortune(revised) - 30zl 1xmana vault(revised) - 17zl 3xornithopter(revised) - po 6zl 2xhelm of awakening - po 5zl 2xpyroblast(bb) - po 2zl 1xred elemental blast(revised) - 3zl 4xcity of brass(8ed) - po 12zl 1xwindfall(najlepiej foil lub - zwykly 3zl 1xmemory jar(najlepiej foil lub - 12zl (120zl foil) 1xtinker(najlepiej foil lub - 10zl (80zl foil) 2xgenesis chamber(najlepiej foil - po 4,5zl (foil) 4xskullclamp(najlepiej foil lub - po 7zl (po 20zl foil) artifact landy tylko foil: 4xU,4xB,2xR - tutaj chce caly komplet puscic tylko (co mi z polowy) za 120zl foilowany chinski mintowy komplecik 4xfrogmite(FOIL) - po 7,5zl 2xmyr enforcer(FOIL) - po 7,5zl 2xAvatar of Hope(1x8ED FOIL - 8zl , 15zl (promo) 2xrainbow efreet - po 8zl 2xmirris guile - po 10zl 1xholistic wisdom - 4zl 3xcity of solitiude - po 10zl 1xcandelabra of tawnos - 120zl 1xTrade Routes(BB) - 4zl 3 Devastating Dreams - po 7zl 3 Breeding Pool - po 30zl 4 Lion's Eye Diamond - po 60zl 1 Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary - 30zl 1 Steam Vents - 30zl 4 Cursed Scroll - po 30zl 4 Elvish Spirit Guide - po 15zl 4 Argothian Enchantress - po 20zl 2 Engineered Explosives - po 25zl 3 smokestack- po 17zl 1 Ajani Goldmane - 12zl 4 eureka - po 35zl 3 Deranged Hermit - po 17zl 4 Oath of Druids - po 30zl 2 berserki - 160zl (Unlimited poor=HP (heavy played) 200zl (taki sam tylko NM) 2 Savannah - to ciezko mi zalatwic (kolega ma ale chce 90zl za sztuke) Wszystkie kart w stanie EX=SP do NM - chyba ze zaznaczono inaczej. SP = slightly played - czyli karta w dobrym stanie z lekkimi markami pozdrawiam Tomek mira$ - Śr wrz 17, 2008 11:30 am " />UP mira$ - So wrz 20, 2008 9:04 am " />up mira$ - Śr paź 01, 2008 7:26 am " />up mira$ - So paź 11, 2008 9:46 am " />UP mira$ - Wt paź 21, 2008 7:15 am " />UP mira$ - Pn lis 03, 2008 10:19 pm " />up mira$ - Wt lis 11, 2008 12:00 pm " />UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mira$ - N gru 07, 2008 3:04 pm " />UP mira$ - Pt gru 26, 2008 4:16 pm " />UP |
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